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Believe Quotes

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If I didn’t believe in myself as a dancer, I wouldn’t choreograph  (Believe Quotes) I believe in a higher power. I believe in inspiration  (Believe Quotes) I believe in dancing  (Believe Quotes) I believe that when things happen, they happen with a purpose  (Believe Quotes) Dad, it’s still hard to believe you’re someone’s father  (Believe Quotes) I really believe in the characters I play  (Believe Quotes) I still believe in peace, love, and understanding  (Believe Quotes) I believe war is the inevitable fruit of our economic system  (Believe Quotes) What you believe, you receive  (Believe Quotes) When you’re being sarcastic and people actually believe you  (Believe Quotes) If you believe you can, you’re already half way there  (Believe Quotes) I believe that perfection handicaps cinema  (Believe Quotes) I don’t believe in extraordinary concatenations of coincidence  (Believe Quotes) May your facial hair get the attention you believe it deserves  (Believe Quotes) Misfortune does not help us to believe  (Believe Quotes) You cannot believe the mayhem  (Believe Quotes) I believe anything can happen  (Believe Quotes) I believe in prescription drugs. I believe in feeling better  (Believe Quotes) I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge  (Believe Quotes) I do what I believe  (Believe Quotes) People pay to see others believe in themselves  (Believe Quotes) I believe in anthologies, although I know they offer only a glimpse  (Believe Quotes) We can achieve what we can conceive and believe  (Believe Quotes) I believe things cannot make themselves impossible  (Believe Quotes) I definitely believe in ghosts  (Believe Quotes) I don’t believe in colleges and universities  (Believe Quotes) I believe in karma, what I give is what I get returned  (Believe Quotes) What the human mind can conceive and believe it can accomplish  (Believe Quotes) To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow  (Believe Quotes) Why understand when you can believe  (Believe Quotes)
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