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Believe that you possess a basic goodness, which is the foundation for the greatness you can ultimately achieve

Believe that you possess a basic goodness, which is the foundation for the greatness you can ultimately achieve Picture Quote #1

Believe that you possess a basic goodness, which is the foundation for the greatness you can ultimately achieve

Les Brown, a renowned motivational speaker and author, is a firm believer in the power of self-belief and the inherent goodness that lies within each individual. He often emphasizes the importance of recognizing and embracing one's own potential for greatness, starting with the fundamental belief in one's own goodness.

According to Les Brown, believing in your own basic goodness is the first step towards achieving greatness in life. This belief serves as the foundation upon which all other accomplishments can be built. When you have faith in your own worth and capabilities, you are more likely to take risks, pursue your goals with determination, and overcome obstacles along the way.

Brown's message is particularly powerful in a world where self-doubt and negativity can easily overshadow our true potential. By acknowledging and nurturing the goodness within ourselves, we can tap into a wellspring of strength, resilience, and creativity that can propel us towards our dreams and aspirations.

One of the key principles that Les Brown often emphasizes is the idea that we are all born with unique talents and gifts that are meant to be shared with the world. By recognizing and honoring our own goodness, we can unlock these hidden treasures and use them to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

Believing in your own basic goodness also means accepting yourself for who you are, flaws and all. It means embracing your imperfections as part of what makes you uniquely human, and using them as opportunities for growth and self-improvement.
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Les Brown Quotes