Believer Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m a big believer in the value of labor unions and with what collective effort gets people (Believer Quotes)
I’m a big believer that you always reiterate, you always learn, you always realize your business is evolving. (Believer Quotes)
I’m a big believer in doing what you’ve got to do, but taking a breather when you can (Believer Quotes)
I’m a big believer in the negligee, that nearly invisible screen standing between you and the object of your desire. (Believer Quotes)
The technology available for film-making now is incredible, but I am a big believer that it’s all in the story. (Believer Quotes)
I’m honestly not a big fan of pitching things. I’m a firm believer of letting the product speak for iteself. (Believer Quotes)
I’m a big believer that if there’s something you really want to do, don’t walk away because of the deal. (Believer Quotes)
I’m a big believer in bibliotherapy. Books have the power to change lives: what we think and what we do. (Believer Quotes)
I’m a big believer in tolerance. I think that religion at it’s best comes with a big dose of doubt. (Believer Quotes)
I’m a firm believer that we all meet up in eternity, Just hope the Big Man show me some courtesy (Believer Quotes)
If someone is not tech savvy, I have no time for them. I’ve always been a big believer in looking forward. (Believer Quotes)
I’m going to leave y’all with one thought. I’m a big believer in fate. I have a good feeling about this. (Believer Quotes)
I mean, I’m a big believer in talking to people when you can and trying to solve problems when you can. (Believer Quotes)
I’m a big believer in getting kids involved in things where there’s a shared interest because that’s where they can have friends. (Believer Quotes)
A digital camera does have many advantages and I was a believer that digital video would be a big influence on film-making. (Believer Quotes)
You can wait your whole life for the right moment and it might never come, so I’m a big believer in making now the right moment. (Believer Quotes)
AOL, I think, represented an opportunity for a few things. One is I’m a big believer in the AOL brand, and I think AOL as a brand has touched hundreds of millions of people around the world. Reigniting that brand is a very exciting challenge and a big opportunity. (Believer Quotes)
I’m a great believer in our ability to come up with the ideas necessary to solve the big questions. I have less confidence that we’ll be able to find a consensus about which ones are right without experiment. (Believer Quotes)
I’m a big believer in pose some questions and then answer a few of them before you move onto the next set of questions. (Believer Quotes)
A lot of people tend to chew up the scenery. I’m a firm believer in less is more, especially on the big screen. (Believer Quotes)
I’m a real believer in dressing tone-on-tone. I’m not saying you need to dress black. Dress just one color so the colors are not breaking your silhouette. (Believer Quotes)
Sanctification is that inward spiritual work which the Lord Jesus Christ works in a man by the Holy Spirit when He calls him to be a true believer. He not only washes him from his sins in His own blood, but He also separates him from his natural love of sin and the world, puts a new principle in his heart and makes him practically godly in life. (Believer Quotes)
Some versions of crab cakes are mostly crabmeat lightly bound with egg, but I’m a firm believer that a crab cake should contain bread crumbs. (Believer Quotes)
Firstly, as a Buddhist monk, I hold that violence is not good. Secondly, I am a firm believer in the Gandian ethic of passive resistance. And thirdly, in reality, violence is not our strength. (Believer Quotes)
I envy those Hindus and Buddhists who have in their religion philosophy and ancestor worship which build in the believer a continuity with the past, and that most important ingredient in the building of a nation - memory. (Believer Quotes)
I am a great believer that you need passion and energy to create a truly successful business (Believer Quotes)
Francis [Collins] keeps saying things like From the perspective of a believer. Once you buy into the position of faith, then suddenly you find yourself losing all of your natural skepticism and your scientific - really scientific - credibility. I’m sorry to be so blunt. (Believer Quotes)
Arabic is very twisting, very beautiful. The call to prayer is quite haunting; it almost makes you a believer on the spot. (Believer Quotes)
You actually can make it, no matter what. I truly am a firm believer in that. Eminem’s living proof. (Believer Quotes)
You know for years, I’ve heard financial experts stress the importance of teaching your kids about money, but it wasn’t until I saw my own son’s perspective change that I became a true believer. (Believer Quotes)