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Believing Quotes

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I think there is something, more important than believing: Action! The world is full of dreamers, there aren’t enough who will move ahead and begin to take concrete steps to actualize their vision  (Believing Quotes) Believing in people before they have proved themselves is the key to motivating people to reach their potential  (Believing Quotes) But that’s part of faith. Believing and knowing despite what other people say, and despite what the world might think of your beliefs  (Believing Quotes) California is like a beautiful wild kid on heroin, high as a kite and thinking she’s on top of the world, not knowing she’s dying, not believing it even if you show her the marks  (Believing Quotes) To know you are one with what you are doing, to know that you are a complete athlete, begins with believing you are a runner  (Believing Quotes) ... you could claim that anything’s real if the only basis for believing in it is that nobody’s proved it doesn’t exist!  (Believing Quotes) Your believing or not believing in karma has no effect on its existence, nor on its consequences to you. Just as a refusal to believe in the ocean would not prevent you from drowning  (Believing Quotes) We need not a new set of beliefs, but a new way of believing, not simply new answers to the same old questions, but a new set of questions  (Believing Quotes) I can’t prove it, but I’m pretty sure that people gain a selective advantage from believing in things they can’t prove  (Believing Quotes) American seekers of happiness are in danger of deluding themselves into believing that only one part of the world exists, the part that gladdens their egos  (Believing Quotes) I grew up believing that the willingness and ability to work is the basic ingredient of successful farming. Hard, intelligent work is the key. Use it, and your chances for success are good  (Believing Quotes) Don’t be deluded into believing that the titular heads of the networks control what appears on their networks. They all have better taste  (Believing Quotes) Some people do not seem to grasp that I still have to sit down in peace and write the books, apparently believing that they pop up like mushrooms without my connivance  (Believing Quotes) There is something terribly radical about believing that one’s own experience and images are important enough to speak about, much less to write about and to perform  (Believing Quotes) But most of my songs were about believing in yourself, standing up for yourself and fighting for what you believe in  (Believing Quotes) You must start with desire, keeping in mind that with the magic of believing you can obtain what you picture in your mind’s eye  (Believing Quotes) I left because I could no longer make records that sounded less and less like me. I tried to please people instead of believing in my own strength, until the only thing I could do was walk away  (Believing Quotes) I refuse to consign the whole male sex to the nursery. I insist on believing that some men are my equals  (Believing Quotes) I started out by believing God for a newer car than the one I was driving. I started out believing God for a nicer apartment than I had. Then I moved up  (Believing Quotes) The biggest mistake is believing there is one right way to listen, to talk, to have a conversation - or a relationship  (Believing Quotes) The chief difficulty which prevents men of science from believing in divine as well as in nature Spirits is their materialism  (Believing Quotes) The seven deadly sins: Want of money, bad health, bad temper, chastity, family ties, knowing that you know things, and believing in the Christian religion  (Believing Quotes) To get a child’s trust - you may know or not - is a very hard thing to do. They’re so used to not believing adults - because adults tell tales and lies all the time  (Believing Quotes) I choose to worship not believing in God and government should not thrust a religious idea down my throat  (Believing Quotes) You can walk through life believing in the goodness of the world, or walk through life afraid of anyone who thinks different than you and trying to convert them to your way of thinking  (Believing Quotes) The secularists in Turkey haven’t underestimated religion, they just made the mistake of believing they could control it with the power of the army alone  (Believing Quotes) So I see that Christianity in believing in a Creator pulls together more facts, data, inner experience and ability than any mechanistic view could hold for me  (Believing Quotes) I still feel that a movie has to attempt to say something - even if it fails miserably. But I’ve sort of given up on believing that I’m going to change the world with every film I choose to act in  (Believing Quotes) On the Northern Ireland question, for instance, the British and Irish governments prohibit media contact with members of the IRA, but we have always gone ahead, believing in the right to information  (Believing Quotes) Believing a person deserves a defence is not the same as doing anything in your power to get him off scot-free  (Believing Quotes)
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