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Believing Quotes

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Political organizations have slowly substituted themselves for the Churches as the places for believing practices. Politics has once again become religious  (Believing Quotes) After the 96 Olympics, we all started believing that this is bigger than we thought, and we were willing to do the work. We knew that it was up to us, the players, to make soccer successful  (Believing Quotes) Believing in evolution is believing in the unproved, while believing in Christ is believing in the proven  (Believing Quotes) The best mistake I ever made was believing that I was stupid. It was a childhood thing, but it played out big - time as an adult. It scorned me the rest of my life - in a good way  (Believing Quotes) Things aren’t always as they appear. I’ve been believing things to be a certain way because I want them to be that way. I build up illusions in my head  (Believing Quotes) I’ve gone through most of my life not believing anything. Either I know or I don’t know, or I think  (Believing Quotes) There is a peculiar contradiction in trying to be a member of a republic while believing that the universe is a monarchy  (Believing Quotes) By learning of Him, by believing in Him, by following Him, there is the capacity to become like Him  (Believing Quotes) I kept believing that, if I got my innings in, it would come. I just kept believing  (Believing Quotes) There’s a lot of negative messaging and it beats on you after a while. And people are growing up with that stuff and they start believing it themselves  (Believing Quotes) Faith is believing that there’s somebody there to make you stronger. There’s somebody there that won’t leave you alone; God’s always standing by you. That’s what that is  (Believing Quotes) You don’t like to have people believing that you’re doing the wrong thing which is why we’re trying to make sure that people recognise that we do the right thing  (Believing Quotes) Believing in the project to a certain extent always makes things more affordable  (Believing Quotes) In high school, I came to realize I had a second-hand faith, derived from my parents and family background. I had no actual reasons for believing it  (Believing Quotes) Men are free when they belong to a living, organic, believing community, active in fulfilling some unfulfilled, perhaps unrealized purpose  (Believing Quotes) Believing that you are the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus and simply receiving the gift of no condemnation gives you the power to go and sin no more  (Believing Quotes) Believing in myself has always been hard. For a long time, I constantly compared myself to others, and it took away from the energy I could have been putting into my career  (Believing Quotes) Half of the reason why people aren’t able to succeed in life is because they hypnotize themselves into believing that they can’t accomplish their goals, it’s a mind game they play with themselves  (Believing Quotes) Without someone giving you a shot, opening a door, believing that your obsession is a real thing when you’re young, you don’t get the opportunity. Every single day I’m reminded of that  (Believing Quotes) I’ve never been insulted by hateful satanists for not believing in their devil. Only by loving Christians for not believing in their God  (Believing Quotes) Having faith in God did not mean sitting back and doing nothing. It meant believing you would find success if you did your best honestly and energetically  (Believing Quotes) There are times when I catch myself believing that there is such a thing as something; which is separate from something else  (Believing Quotes) Emotions can certainly be misleading: they can fool you into believing stuff that is definitely, demonstrably untrue  (Believing Quotes) Believing in your abilities affects your motivation, your choices, your toughness and above all, it makes you happy with yourself  (Believing Quotes) Life is so much more than what your eyes see. Keep believing and you will find your way  (Believing Quotes) Decide today that you won’t give up on your dreams and desires. Keep pressing forward, believing that you are anointed and empowered  (Believing Quotes) Pray until your situation changes. Miracles happen every day, so never stop believing. God can change things very quickly in your life  (Believing Quotes) While everyone else believes shes beautiful she sits in the background and cries, for no one in her life seems to be able to convince her to stop believing in her own lies  (Believing Quotes) Its weird enough having a dream about your best friend being in love with you, but worse waking up and believing its true  (Believing Quotes) I was finally getting over you and actually believing I didn’t need you. I was finally accepting you had another girl. Then you smiled at me and ruined it all  (Believing Quotes)
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