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Believing Quotes

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You’re only famous in the eyes of others. Inside, you’re still the same, and not a hundred million records or TV shows can change that. I think the only pitfall of fame is believing that it means something, and behaving like that.  (Believing Quotes) Men, believing in myths, will always fear something terrible, everlasting punishment as certain or probable . . . Men base all these fears not on mature opinions, but on irrational fancies, that they are more disturbed by fear of the unknown than by facing facts. Peace of mind lies in being delivered from all these fears.  (Believing Quotes) I still feel that a movie has to attempt to say something - even if it fails miserably. But I’ve sort of given up on believing that I’m going to change the world with every film I choose to act in.  (Believing Quotes) She realized, when relationships failed to last, it was not because love was no longer present, but because people had stopped believing in themselves and in their partners.  (Believing Quotes) It was the schoolboy who said, Faith is believing what you know ain’t so  (Believing Quotes) I am an anthropologist who lost faith in her own method, who stopped believing that observable activity defined anthropos.  (Believing Quotes) Faith is believing that there’s somebody there to make you stronger. There’s somebody there that won’t leave you alone; God’s always standing by you. That’s what that is.  (Believing Quotes) The ego is only an illusion, but a very influential one. Letting the ego-illusion become your identity can prevent you from knowing your true self. Ego, the false idea of believing that you are what you have or what you do, is a backwards way of assessing and living life.  (Believing Quotes) To be mistaken in believing that the Christian religion is true is no great loss to anyone; but how dreadful to be mistaken in believing it to be false!  (Believing Quotes) You have to let individuals make their own choices and respect that, even if it’s your own child. And that’s what was taken away from me. My father passed away thinking I still had to go back to his way of believing.  (Believing Quotes) Feeling sympathy and searching for explanations isn’t the same as believing that the violence is justified.  (Believing Quotes) A few years ago, when I had no work and started believing that films weren’t a viable career, I thought of finding another job. I started training and riding horses and got consumed by that. It was a boon in disguise.  (Believing Quotes) The thing that struck me most after first viewing ‘The Sessions’ was the charm of Mark O’Brien and the intimacy that the director, Ben Lewin, manages to capture perfectly on screen. I did not feel forced or cajoled in any way into believing the story.  (Believing Quotes) My formula for success is just a lot of hard work. It’s believing in yourself. It’s a pride that I gotta get better at something every time I wake up.  (Believing Quotes) Don’t try to rush progress. Remember -- a step forward, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction. Keep believing.  (Believing Quotes) Winning is about believing you’re never out of a game. I’ve always believed that.  (Believing Quotes) If it’s tough believing what you believe, then maybe it’s time to move. But if you are someone who militantly enforces your opinion about anything, then you need to get out of town.  (Believing Quotes) I don’t know, if I had the secret recipe that I actually could give everybody, I think it has to do very much with believing in yourself and giving time. Giving time to each member of the family.  (Believing Quotes) When honor and glory get your squad killed and your brothers-in-arms shoved under the rug, you stop believing in the terms.  (Believing Quotes) Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away  (Believing Quotes) There is no reason for believing that any sort of gods exist, and quite good reasons for believing that they do not exist and never have. It has all been a gigantic waste of time and a waste of life. It would be a joke of cosmic proportions if it weren’t so tragic.  (Believing Quotes) Worshipping the Lord means giving Him the place that he must have; worshipping the Lord means stating, believing - not only by our words - that He alone truly guides our lives; worshipping the Lord means that we are convinced before Him that He is the only God, the God of our lives, the God of our history.  (Believing Quotes) The assurance of the believer is not that God will save him even if he stops believing, but that God will keep him believing--God will sustain you in faith, he will make your hope firm and stable to the end. He will cause you to persevere.  (Believing Quotes) I’ve spent a lot of time in my life dedicating myself to love or the pursuit of love or the understanding of love. And now I’ve stopped believing in happy endings and I’ve started believing in good days.  (Believing Quotes) I was probably 15 when I started going to the studio with the older cats in my neighborhood. They heard me rap outside one time; I was just freestyling. And they invited me to the studio. It’s good when you’re accepted, no matter what crowd. That’s the first step of believing you can do whatever you feel like putting your mind to.  (Believing Quotes) The commitment had disappeared, and although he still watched the imagined glory of stealing, she could see now he was not believing. He was trying to believe it, and that’s never a good sign.  (Believing Quotes) It is not our believing of the Gospel that makes it true. It exists as independent, true Truth.  (Believing Quotes) We are always in a hurry to be happy...; for when we have suffered a long time, we have great difficulty in believing in good fortune.  (Believing Quotes) Believing that a crisis is a useful thing to create, the Obama administration - which understands that, for liberalism, worse is better - has deliberately aggravated the fiscal shambles that the Great Recession accelerated.  (Believing Quotes) The greatest challenge of parenting is in the inner work it requires: the strength and confidence in believing that we are not in control of, but the answer for our children.  (Believing Quotes)
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