Believing Something Quotes

Text Quotes
The believing we do something when we do nothing is the first illusion of tobacco (Believing Something Quotes)
Well, I get on with people who believe in something (Believing Something Quotes)
We can learn something new anytime we believe we can (Believing Something Quotes)
I tend to fight for something that I believe in (Believing Something Quotes)
Those who believe in nothing are very, very jealous and angry at those who believe in something (Believing Something Quotes)
Faith is believing in something you know isn’t true (Believing Something Quotes)
In believing too much in rationality, our contemporaries have lost something (Believing Something Quotes)
By believing passionately in something that does not yet exist, we create it (Believing Something Quotes)
One cannot be prepared for something while secretly believing it will not happen (Believing Something Quotes)
America is hungry for people who believe in something (Believing Something Quotes)
Never give up on something you believe in (Believing Something Quotes)
My life is a testament to believing that if you want something you can make it happen (Believing Something Quotes)
A man lives by believing something (Believing Something Quotes)
Believing something doesn’t change who you are. Neither does rejecting something you once believd in. (Believing Something Quotes)
Awakening is the ultimate of religion. Religion is, not really, in believing something outside of your being. It is not in believing or following some authoritative figure, the church, temple, organization or any ideological system of belief. Religion is trusting in what is eternal within you. (Believing Something Quotes)
I think what attracts me about the Electric Monk is that it’s such an eloquent example of the futility of belief for belief’s sake. I mean there’s only any point in believing something if it’s true. (Believing Something Quotes)
Photography can be a deceitful, superficial medium that leads us into believing something even though we know it’s not necessarily true. It lulls us into a false sense of complacency. (Believing Something Quotes)
There can be no merit in believing something which you can neither explain nor understand (Believing Something Quotes)
I don’t have any trouble believing that you would avoid something seemingly perfect because you’re in something you really want to prove to yourself you can do right. (Believing Something Quotes)
The most important elements of faith [are] believing in something bigger than yourself, taking care of those less fortunate than you. (Believing Something Quotes)
What each of us believes in is up to us, but life is impossible without believing in something (Believing Something Quotes)
When you want to believe in something, you also have to believe in everything that’s necessary for believing in it. (Believing Something Quotes)
There is a great difference between believing in something and believing in it again (Believing Something Quotes)
The greatest of all historical shams is believing you can not do something you can (Believing Something Quotes)
When you start believing you’re something special, then you’re not going to be striving to move forward. (Believing Something Quotes)
Believing something can be done sets the mind in motion to find a way to do it (Believing Something Quotes)
You see, you don’t get old from age, you get old from inactivity, from not believing in something. (Believing Something Quotes)
It is strangely wonderful to feel the lack of something instead of believing that it was never there in the first place. (Believing Something Quotes)
Things happen, and nothing is for sure, but you just have to keep going, believing that one day, you’ll find something that is. (Believing Something Quotes)
If you think there’s something you need in order to be happy, then you believe in lack. Then believing you lack, you will create more lack. (Believing Something Quotes)