Belong Quotes

Text Quotes
I’ve always felt quite like an outsider. I don’t really belong in the mainstream, and I quite like that (Belong Quotes)
In the end we’re all searching for our home, that one place where we belong (Belong Quotes)
The slightest living thing answers a deeper need than all the works of man because it is transitory. It has an evanescence of life, or growth, or change: it passes, as we do, from one stage to another, from darkness to darkness, into a distance where we, too, vanish out of sight. A work of art is static; and its value and its weakness lie in being so: but the tuft of grass and the clouds above it belong to our own traveling brotherhood (Belong Quotes)
We still live in a world in which a significant fraction of people, including women, believe that a woman belongs and wants to belong exclusively in the home (Belong Quotes)
I was aware, in those early days of motherhood, that my behaviour was strange to the people who knew me well. It was as though I had been brainwashed, taken over by a cult religion. And yet this cult, motherhood, was not a place where I could actually live. Like any cult, it demanded a complete surrender of identity to belong to it (Belong Quotes)
I come from no country, from no city, no tribe. I am the son of the road... all tongues and all prayers belong to me. But I belong to none of them (Belong Quotes)
I have always been a singer/songwriter, and I was pushed in places I didn’t want to do, like pop or top forty. I don’t belong there (Belong Quotes)
Having cancer gave me membership in an elite club I’d rather not belong to (Belong Quotes)
I’m a very individualistic person. That is why I don’t belong to any political party or anything. I really believe in justice and freedom (Belong Quotes)
Every culture has contributed to maths just as it has contributed to literature. It’s a universal language; numbers belong to everyone (Belong Quotes)
Dena had always been a loner. She did not feel connected to anything. Or anybody. She felt as if everybody else had come into the world with a set of instructions about how to live and someone had forgotten to give them to her. She had no clue what she was supposed to feel, so she had spent her life faking at being a human being, with no idea how other people felt. What was it like to really love someone? To really fit in or belong somewhere? She was quick, and a good mimic, so she learned at an early age to give the impression of a normal, happy girl, but inside she had always been lonely (Belong Quotes)
A joker is a little fool who is different from everyone else. He’s not a club, diamond, heart, or spade. He’s not an eight or a nine, a king or a jack. He is an outsider. He is placed in the same pack as the other cards, but he doesn’t belong there. Therefore, he can be removed without anybody missing him (Belong Quotes)
If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind? (Belong Quotes)
Some part of me can’t wait to see what life’s going to come up with next! Anticipation without the usual anxiety. And underneath it all is the feeling that we both belong here, just as we are, right now (Belong Quotes)
The sequoias belong to the silences of the milleniums. Many of them have seen a hundred human generations rise, give off their little clamors and perish. They seem indeed to be forms of immortality standing here amoing the transitory shapes of time (Belong Quotes)
Maybe she, like me, would have loved the tiny details and inconveniences even more dearly than the wonders, because they are the things that prove you belong (Belong Quotes)
We are not just visitors on this planet, it belongs to us just as we belong to her, its past is ours, so is its future (Belong Quotes)
We all belong here equally... Just by being born onto the earth we are accepted and the earth supports us. We don’t have to be especially good. We don’t have to accomplish anything. We don’t even have to be healthy (Belong Quotes)
I would never be part of anything. I would never really belong anywhere, and I knew it, and all my life would be the same, trying to belong, and failing. Always something would go wrong. I am a stranger and I always will be, and after all I didn’t really care (Belong Quotes)
Once you have been tortured, you can never belong in this world. There is no place that ever be your home (Belong Quotes)
This is the truth about things: If you take something that isn’t yours, it will never belong to you. You can try to hold on to it, but somehow, it will slip through your fingers. If something wasn’t meant to be yours, it won’t be. No matter what you do to keep it, you will lose it (Belong Quotes)
I didn’t really know what to expect from detention but when I waked into the room, the first thought I had was, I don’t belong in here with these future criminals (Belong Quotes)
The earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself (Belong Quotes)
The use of sea and air is common to all; neither can a title to the ocean belong to any people or private persons, forasmuch as neither nature nor public use and custom permit any possession therof (Belong Quotes)
... Attempts at imitation would put the emphasis where it didn’t belong. The goal was to improve the lives of others, not oneself (Belong Quotes)
Earth does not belong to us; we belong to earth. Take only memories, leave nothing but footprints (Belong Quotes)
Don’t you understand that wanting does not belong here, because that is what wounds, and there is never an end to it (Belong Quotes)
Writers are first and foremost observers. We lose ourselves in the watching and then the telling of the world we find. Often we feel on the fringes, in the margins of life. And that’s where we belong. What you are a part of, you cannot observe (Belong Quotes)
I wonder whether there is such a thing as a sense of individuality. Is it all a facade, covering a deep need to belong? Are we simply pack animals desperately trying to pretend we are not? (Belong Quotes)
As a writer one doesn’t belong anywhere. Fiction writers, I think, are even more outside the pale, necessarily on the edge of society. Because society and people are our meat, one really doesn’t belong in the midst of society. The great challenge in writing is always to find the universal in the local, the parochial. And to do that, one needs distance (Belong Quotes)