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Bending Quotes

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I was tortured fifteen times, thats total submission. They did that with shutting off your blood circulation with ropes, giving you claustrophobia and pain at the same time, bending you double.  (Bending Quotes) Once in a while I’ll get moved to do some exercise. It’s something I long for but the biggest problem is bending down and putting my tennis shoes on. Once I go out I’m OK.  (Bending Quotes) At town meetings, you can see the shy folks, the ones who have trouble sounding off in public, leaning against the back wall or bending over their knitting. On talk radio, those people are invisible, but they’re there. It’s a mistake to think that the blowhards who call in speak for the nation.  (Bending Quotes) Before the sacred, people lose all sense of power and all confidence; they occupy a powerless and humble attitude toward it. And yet no thing is sacred of itself, but by my declaring it sacred, by my declaration, my judgment, my bending the knee; in short, by my - conscience.  (Bending Quotes) Before the sacred, people lost all sense of power and all confidence; they occupy a powerless and humble attitude toward it. And yet no thing is sacred of itself, but by declaring it sacred, by my declaration, my judgment, my bending the knee; in short, by my - conscience.  (Bending Quotes) Once you pass forty, a dime isn’t worth bending over to pick up if you drop one  (Bending Quotes) The goldenrod is yellow,The corn is turning brown...The trees in apple orchardsWith fruit are bending down.  (Bending Quotes) It’s rather nice to think of oneself as a sailor bending over the map of one’s mind and deciding where to go and how to go. The great thing to remember is we can do whatever we wish to do provided our wish is strong enough  (Bending Quotes) In the wide pile, by others heeded not, hers was one sacred solitary spot, whose gloomy aisles and bending shelves contain for moral hunger food, and cures for moral pain  (Bending Quotes) The little reed, bending to the force of the wind, soon stood upright again when the storm had passed over  (Bending Quotes) Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks Within his bending sickle's compass come; love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, but bears it out even to the edge of doom  (Bending Quotes) The superior man is the providence of the inferior. He is eyes for the blind, strength for the weak, and a shield for the defenseless. He stands erect by bending above the fallen. He rises by lifting others  (Bending Quotes) So stands the statue that enchants the world, so bending tries to veil the matchless boast, the mingled beauties of exulting Greece  (Bending Quotes) A profusion of pink roses bending ragged in the rain speaks to me of all gentleness and its enduring  (Bending Quotes) Tis this desire of bending all things to our own purposes which turns them into confusion and is the chief source of every error in our lives  (Bending Quotes) The first rule of hurricane coverage is that every broadcast must begin with palm trees bending in the wind  (Bending Quotes) The river is constantly turning and bending and you never know where it’s going to go and where you’ll wind up. Following the bend in the river and staying on your own path means that you are on the right track. Don’t let anyone deter you from that  (Bending Quotes) I never mind scrubbing floors, vacuuming or bending and carrying stuff. Each time I do it I think, this is instead of going to the gym  (Bending Quotes) Worlds can be found by a child and an adult bending down and looking together under the grass stems or at the skittering crabs in a tidal pool  (Bending Quotes) Love is not a feeling in your chest; it is bending down to wash another’s feet  (Bending Quotes) This girl: she bent reality around her like a lens bending light, she pleated it into so many flickering layers that you could never tell which one you were looking at, the longer you stared the dizzier you got  (Bending Quotes) We’re bending the law as far as we can to ban an entirely new class of guns  (Bending Quotes) Bamboo is flexible, bending with the wind but never breaking, capable of adapting to any circumstance. It suggests resilience, meaning that we have the ability to bounce back even from the most difficult times... Your ability to thrive depends, in the end, on your attitude to your life circumstances. Take everything in stride with grace, putting forth energy when it is needed, yet always staying calm inwardly  (Bending Quotes) It’s weirder and more surprising than the other books. I think there are more places where it’s just more reality bending, deliberately so. I think it’s a lot more emotionally raw  (Bending Quotes) More than sixty years ago, mathematical logicians, by defining precisely the concept of an algorithm, gave content to the ancient human idea of an effective calculation. Their definitions led to the creation of the digital computer, an interesting example of thought bending matter to its ends  (Bending Quotes) I have odd thumbs that are extremely flexible. I can bend them quite far down the back side of my hand, basically the opposite side you’d even try to attempt bending your thumb. Because of that, I’m a very good thumb wrestler  (Bending Quotes) Whatever it is probably won’t go away, so we might as well live and laugh through it. When we double over laughing, we’re bending so we won’t break. If you think your particular troubles are too heavy and too traumatic to laugh about, remember that laughing is like changing a baby’s diaper. It doesn’t solve any problems permanently, but it makes things more acceptable for awhile  (Bending Quotes) Here on the edge of the river, the motifs are very plentiful, the same subject seen from a different angle gives a subject for study of the highest interest and so varied that I think I could be occupied for months without changing my place, simply bending a little more to the right or left  (Bending Quotes) Drawing is one of those things which sit on the uneasy bending line between instinct and instruction, where seeming perversity eventually trumps pleasure as the card players and the kibitzers interact and new thrills are sought  (Bending Quotes) I think people everywhere have a very dismaying feeling that politics are going over their heads, are being decided by wealthy interests that don’t take them into consideration. And are bending the legislative process in their own behalf  (Bending Quotes)
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