Benefit Quotes

Text Quotes
I generally think if you do good things for people in the world, that comes back and you benefit from it over time (Benefit Quotes)
The older we get the more we realize that service to others is the only way to stay happy. If we do nothing to benefit others we will do nothing to benefit ourselves (Benefit Quotes)
A person is strong only when he stands upon his own truth, when he speaks and acts with his deepest convictions. Then, whatever the situation he may be in, he always knows what he must say and do. He may fall, but he cannot bring shame upon himself or his cause. If we seek the liberation of the people by means of a lie, we will surely grow confused, go astray, and loose sight of our objective, and if we have any influence at all on the people we will lead them astray as well-in other words, we will be acting in the spirit of reaction and to its benefit (Benefit Quotes)
My success is the team’s success. It’s one of those things to a certain degree that it’s effort and ability but also how I benefit from what my teammates do, and then it is up to me to perform (Benefit Quotes)
Therefore, I see whatever exists as good, death is to me like life, sin like holiness, wisdom like foolishness, everything has to be as it is, everything only requires my consent, only my willingness, my loving agreement, to be good for me, to do nothing but work for my benefit, to be unable to ever harm me (Benefit Quotes)
Television is likely to do more to revolutionize politics than sound broadcasting did. Political candidates may have to adopt new techniques to benefit from visual radio: their dress, their smiles and gestures, all will be important. How they look, as well as what they say, may determine to an appreciable extent their popularity. The eyes of the public will be upon them (Benefit Quotes)
We never had it so good: Every person alive today derives great benefit from comforts and pleasures that were not available in the past. All of the latest technological advances serve us to a remarkable degree. For all this we should be full of appreciation and gratitude (Benefit Quotes)
Know the moment when to work diligently. Even more important, know the moment when not to work, but to relax and play instead. This will not only benefit you immensely, but also will astonish your friends and competitors (Benefit Quotes)
Sure, we all have problems and we all have our mess, and what happens tomorrow is anyone’s guess, but there’s no need and no benefit to let yourself stress, because for one and for all... life is blessed! (Benefit Quotes)
We have to learn to make our own way through a complex world without the benefit of an accepted trustworthy route map (Benefit Quotes)
Courtesy is a science of the highest importance. It is... opening a door that we may derive instruction from the example of others, and at the same time enabling us to benefit them by our example, if there be anything in our character worthy of imitation (Benefit Quotes)
If your motives are high and noble and your work is hard and you do a good job, then whatever the task is in your life, it will benefit you (Benefit Quotes)
We need to teach people that the environment has a direct bearing on our own benefit (Benefit Quotes)
The more we take the welfare of others to heart and work for their benefit, the more benefit we derive for ourselves. This is a fact that we can see (Benefit Quotes)
I do not think it is any benefit for artists or fans to have all the new, wide distribution channels in the online world controlled by those who have controlled the old, narrower ones,.. This is especially true if they achieve that control by leveraging their dominance in content or conduit space in an anticompetitive way to control the new, independent music services that are attempting to enhance the consumer’s experience of music (Benefit Quotes)
Within every setback or obstacle or disadvantage there is the seed of an equal or opposite or greater advantage or benefit (Benefit Quotes)
The successful man or woman always looks for the advantage or benefit in every situation and lo and behold, they always find it (Benefit Quotes)
The only ones who can really benefit by consulting the model are those who can produce their effect without a model (Benefit Quotes)
I believe that the making of art is primarily for the benefit of the artist. If what the artist has created communicates messages and feelings to others, then it is because of the universality of the human experience that is speaking through the work of art (Benefit Quotes)
With the benefit of hindsight, had more care been taken, maybe this could have been avoided (Benefit Quotes)
The avaricious man is like the barren sandy ground of the desert which sucks in all the rain and dew with greediness, but yields no fruitful herbs or plants for the benefit of others (Benefit Quotes)
Good coffee is a benefit, but great coffee is a reward, and the difference between good and great is just pennies a day (Benefit Quotes)
The most important benefit of population size and growth is the increase it brings to the stock of useful knowledge. Minds matter economically as much as, or more than, hands or mouths (Benefit Quotes)
What is the mark of love for your neighbor? Not to seek what is for your own benefit, but what is for the benefit of the one loved, both in body and in soul (Benefit Quotes)
In the history of mankind many republics have risen, have flourished for a less or greater time, and then have fallen because their citizens lost the power of governing themselves and thereby of governing their state; and in no way has this loss of power been so often and so clearly shown as in the tendency to turn the government into a government primarily for the benefit of one class instead of a government for the benefit of the people as a whole (Benefit Quotes)
I don’t think there’s a thing I own that I will ever get the benefit of except through doing things with it (Benefit Quotes)
Whatever it is, handle it so that your children’s children will get the benefit of it (Benefit Quotes)
The uselessness of men above sixty years of age and the incalculable benefit it would be in commercial, in political, and in professional life, if as a matter of course, men stopped work at this age (Benefit Quotes)
It is time for you to make a commitment to create joy, creativity and love for yourself, only then will you benefit others, for if you do not evolve yourself, you do not serve others. By becoming a living example, by following what is in your heart, you show the way for others to follow with courage, what is in their hearts (Benefit Quotes)
We’ve turned into a nation of mothers to our men. I think it’s a dreadful mistake that doesn’t benefit anybody (Benefit Quotes)