Benefit Quotes

Text Quotes
When you’re doing a play that’s fully produced, you have the benefit of rehearsing for four or five weeks, so you really get to live in the skin of the character for much longer than when you first start doing a character on TV. (Benefit Quotes)
I just didn’t want to get bored playing a character, and that’s kind of the benefit of doing films; you’ve lived with a character for four or five months and that’s it, and you walk away from that character and you feel like you told a story. (Benefit Quotes)
Historically, Macbeth is one of the greatest kings Scotland ever had. He was on the throne for 19 years, and he simply has this dreadful reputation because Shakespeare manipulated history for the benefit of James I, who was paying him to write the play to blacken Macbeth’s name. (Benefit Quotes)
I have exercises that lead participants to discover for themselves that their deepest fulfillment comes when what they’re doing is of benefit to larger society in some way. This really knocks some for a loop - especially those schooled in the ‘take no prisoners’ approach. (Benefit Quotes)
I have issues with anyone who tries to claim that science is unworkable - creationists who deny evidence for past history, yet are happy to benefit from the products of the methodology that they otherwise deny. (Benefit Quotes)
In my brief sojourn in college, my favorite classes were political science because I loved the idea of systems we can set up that benefit society - rules we can put in place that sometimes you run against, sometimes they’re painful, but ultimately they benefit the world. (Benefit Quotes)
You can’t train kids in a world where adults have no concept of what science literacy is. The adults are gonna squash the creativity that would manifest itself, because they’re clueless about what it and why it matters. But science can always benefit from the more brains there are that are thinking about it - but that’s true for any field. (Benefit Quotes)
If we sleep more than is needful for the refreshment of the body, it is wasting the time with which the Lord has entrusted us as a talent, to be used for his glory, for our own benefit, and the benefit of the saints and the unbelievers around us. (Benefit Quotes)
My daughter has probably gotten some benefit of being inspired by a woman who is willing to take on things. We travel. We travel to exotic places. I’m the first person to jump in the ocean with a whale. Even if I’m scared, I’ll do it anyway, because I never wanted her to see fear, especially when she was younger. (Benefit Quotes)
I plan less and less. It’s a great benefit of writing lots, that you get good at holding long narratives in your head like a virtual space. (Benefit Quotes)
One thing that’s really delightful is my books tend to attract people who are funny, so I get the benefit of people writing me with things that crack me up. (Benefit Quotes)
There is not now, nor I suspect will there ever be, a le Carre novel with ninjas in it. Most serious novelists are wary of including ninjas in their writing. That’s a shame, because many much-admired works of modern fiction could benefit from a few. (Benefit Quotes)
The benefit of this kind of outlining is that you discover a story’s flaws before you invest a lot of time writing the first draft, and it’s almost impossible to get stuck at a difficult chapter, because you’ve already done the work to push through those kinds of blocks. (Benefit Quotes)
Learning ballroom dancing is great for your brain. But it only works for three to six months. After that, you’ve got all the benefit you can get, and so you have to move on to yoga, and then Tai Chi, and then bridge, always keeping on the steep part of the learning curve. (Benefit Quotes)
Raja yoga is the mental practice and incorporates meditation, pranayama, and mudra. What are the benefits of having a raja yoga practice? The benefit is spirituality. (Benefit Quotes)
I work out every day. It’s part of my life. That’s one of the benefits of having kids in school full-time. I do it more for my insides than my outside, but the outside gets a nice benefit, too. I feel like my mind is a little quieter when I exercise. And I don’t have the best family history heart-wise, so I really try to keep my heart strong. (Benefit Quotes)
Do what is best for most people, not just a few. Prevent your elites and growing middle class, those who often benefit most from growth and development, from turning into a special interests group that blocks reforms. (Benefit Quotes)
I want a desirable place to work to attract and keep them here. So you try to create an environment for people to do their best work, and be generous on the benefit side. (Benefit Quotes)
Photography at first was asked to do nothing but embalm our best smiles for the benefit of our friends and our best clothes for the amusement of posterity. Neither thing lasts, and photography came as a welcome salve to keep those precious, if slightly ridiculous, things a little longer in the world. (Benefit Quotes)
We continue to advise that investors remain committed to a patient, long-term outlook and that the best way to do well in stocks is to use a disciplined, time-tested strategy that has the benefit of empirically tested results over a variety of market environments. (Benefit Quotes)
In the biblical worldview, the purpose of all creation is to benefit man. This anthropocentric view of nature, and indeed of the whole universe, is completely at odds with the current secular idealization of nature. This secular view posits that nature has its own intrinsic meaning and purpose, independent of man. (Benefit Quotes)
Everyone and his Big Brother wants to log your browsing habits, the better to build a profile of who you are and how you live your life - online and off. Search engine companies offer a benefit in return: more relevant search results. The more they know about you, the better they can tailor information to your needs. (Benefit Quotes)
There’s no job too big to benefit from a small town person’s perspective, I discovered, just as there’s no town too small for thinking big. (Benefit Quotes)
My mother told me that life isn’t always about pleasing yourself and that sometimes you have to do things for the sole benefit of another human being. I completely agreed with her, but reminded her that that was what blow jobs were for. (Benefit Quotes)
The capitalist workplace is one of the most profoundly undemocratic institutions on the face of the Earth. Workers have no say over decisions affecting them. If workers sat on the board of directors of democratically operated self-managed enterprises, they wouldn’t vote for the wildly unequal distribution of profits to benefit a few and for cutbacks for the many. (Benefit Quotes)
What college boils down to is a brand name stamped on the graduate for the benefit of corporate consumers. (Benefit Quotes)
I sort of came out at the dawn of the Internet in the mid-90s and I think it helped break my career. I think I was one of the first artists to really benefit from the grassroots swell that can happen online. I don’t know if I would have broken out without it. (Benefit Quotes)
The bottom line is, until we’re helping people to stop smoking, screening for breast cancer, giving Pap smears, giving prenatal care to pregnant women, we should not go into publicly paying for the artificial heart, which will benefit at great cost only a few people. (Benefit Quotes)
We peruse one ideal, that of bringing people together in peace, irrespective of race, religion and political convictions, for the benefit of mankind. (Benefit Quotes)
It’s not a matter of if economies around the world becoming low-carbon, but when and how: through struggle and strife or through advancement and progressive leadership. Larry Elliot described it today as the ‘Green New Deal.’ It’s a leadership we in Britain can provide, and from which our economy can benefit. (Benefit Quotes)