Benjamin Carson Quotes

Text Quotes
Why should we be letting people smoke their cigars in their comfortable chairs in Raqqa (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
What if someone hit us with an EMP, cyber-attack, and dirty bomb all at once? That would be pretty bad (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
So we [Americans] have a history a taking care of each other. Now, for some strange reason starting sort of in the 20’s with Woodrow Wilson, the government started getting involved in everything (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
That’s the only way we’re going to get through these programs. That is true compassion. Having people become dependent on others is not compassion at all (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
It’s very difficult to speak to a large group of people these days and not offend someone. I know people walk around with their feelings on their shoulders waiting for you to say something - ahh - did you hear that? And they can’t hear anything else you say. The PC police are out in force at all times (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
We have a war on women, race wars. Income wars, age wars, religious wars, anything you can imagine. A house divided against itself cannot stand it. And it’s going to be up to us, to people, to begin the focus on the positive things, on the things that we have in common and stop listening to those who are stoking the fires of division (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
There comes a time when people with values simply have to stand up. Think about Nazi, Germany. Most of those people did not believe in what Hitler was doing (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
The culture in which we live stresses looking out for number one. Without adopting such a self-centered value system, we can demand the best of ourselves while we are extending our hands to help others (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
I always pray before any of the operation. I think God help me know what to do (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
If we allow ourselves to dwell on negatives, on hurts, on mistreatments, we will be negative thinkers. So be open to positive thinking, THINK BIG! (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
The left, of course, will say Carson doesn’t believe in the Geneva Convention, Carson doesn’t believe in fighting stupid wars. And - and what we have to remember is we want to utilize the tremendous intellect that we have in the military to win wars (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
What I agree with is that we need a significantly changed taxation system. And the one that I’ve advocated is based on tithing, because I think God is a pretty fair guy (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
She [Hillary Clinton] is the epitome of the progressive - the secular progressive movement. And she counts on the fact that people are uninformed, the Alinsky Model, taking advantage of useful idiots (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
Our friends can’t trust us anymore. You know, Ukraine was a nuclear-armed state. They gave away their nuclear arms with the understanding that we would protect them. We won’t even give them offensive weapons (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
I was asked by an NPR reporter once, why don’t I talk about race that often. I said it’s because I’m a neurosurgeon. And she thought that was a strange response. And you say - I said, you see, when I take someone to the operating room, I’m actually operating on the thing that makes them who they are. The skin doesn’t make them who they are (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
Our strength as a nation comes in our unity. We are the United States of America, not the divided states. And those who want to divide us are trying to divide us, and we shouldn’t let them do it (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
If I had a little kid in kindergarten somewhere, would feel much more comfortable if I knew on that campus there was a police officer or somebody who was trained with a weapon. I would feel more comfortable (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
Politics is corrupting the American judicial system in much the same way the judicial system was corrupted in Nazi Germany. (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
My mother told me if I work hard and I really believed in American principles and I believed in God, anything is possible. That’s why I’m not anxious to give away American values and principles for the sake of political correctness. (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
(I’m) the only one to take out half a brain, although you would think, if you go to Washington, that someone had beat me to it. (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
I don’t believe that expressing your opinion, regardless of who is there, is being rude. And it’s a shame that we’ve reached a level in our country where we think that you don’t have the right to put your opinion out there. (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
I would love us to bring back our Juedo-Christian values and begin to teach those things, at a time other than a political election. (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
I’ve had a lot of experience building things, organizing things, a national scholarship program. (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
We don’t need to set this up as we either take a bunch of refugees who will be infiltrated with terrorists, I guarantee you. For them not to be would be terrorist malpractice. And we need to - to choose the right choice, not these false choices. (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
Things that Hillary Clinton advocates are antithetical to Christian values: killing babies, redefining institutions established by God. (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
People are starving for that coming out of Washington. And it’s not a Democrat thing or a Republican thing. I think it’s a politician thing. (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
That’s the only way we’re going to get through these programs. That is true compassion. Having people become dependent on others is not compassion at all. (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
Tell the truth. If you tell the truth all the time you don’t have to worry three months down the line about what you said three months earlier. Truth is always the truth. You won’t have to complicate your life by trying to cover up. (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
Do we have a brain? Than use it. It’s all you need to overcome a problem. That’s the secret. That’s my simple but powerful prescription for life, love, and success in a dangerous world. (Benjamin Carson Quotes)
It’s very difficult to speak to a large group of people these days and not offend someone (Benjamin Carson Quotes)