Benjamin Franklin Quotes

Text Quotes
Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
You have on hand those things that you need if you have but the wit and wisdom to use them (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
Savages we call them, because their manners differ from ours, which we think the perfection of civility; they think the same of theirs (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
There are two ways to increase your wealth. Increase your means or decrease your wants. The best is to do both at the same time (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
There was great difference between persons and, discretion did not always accompany years nor was youth always with out it (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
Take a coin from your purse and invest it in your mind. It will come pouring out of your mind and overflow your purse (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
A perfect character might be attended with the inconvenience of being envied and hated; and that a benevolent man should allow a few faults in himself, to keep his friends in countenance (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
He was so learned that he could name a horse in nine languages; so ignorant that he bought a cow to ride on (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
Life is rather a state of embryo, a preparation for life; a man is not completely born till he has passed through death (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
I hope... that mankind will at length, as they call themselves reasonable creatures, have reason and sense enough to settle their differences without cutting throats; for in my opinion there never was a good war, or a bad peace (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
A traveller should have a hog’s nose, a deer’s legs, and an ass’s back (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
Nothing is more important for the public wealth than to form and train youth in wisdom and virtue. Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
I have been apt to think that there has never been, nor ever will be, any such thing as a good war, or a bad peace (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
Tis a common observation here that our cause is the cause of all mankind, and that we are fighting for their liberty in defending our own (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
Work while it is called today, for you know not how much you may be hindered tomorrow. One today is worth two tomorrows; never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
It seems to me, that if statesmen had a little more arithmetic, or were accustomed to calculation, wars would be much less frequent (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
The discovery of a wine is of greater moment than the discovery of a constellation. The universe is too full of stars (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
I fear the man who drinks water and so remembers this morning what the rest of us said last night (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
Silence is not always a sign of wisdom, but babbling is ever a mark of folly (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
A highwayman is as much a robber when he plunders in a gang as when single; and a nation that makes an unjust war is only a great gang (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
One today is worth two tomorrows. Lost time is never found again. Time is money. Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff that life is made of. You may delay, but time will not (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
I made the greater progress, from that clearness of head and quicker apprehension which generally attend temperance in eating and drinking (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
Lost time is never found again, and what we call time enough, always proves little enough (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
Take one thing with another, and the world is a pretty good sort of a world, and it is our duty to make the best of it, and be thankful (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
A man is sometimes more generous when he has but a little money than when he has plenty, perhaps through fear of being thought to have but little (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)
Then plough deep while sluggards sleep, and you shall have corn to sell and to keep (Benjamin Franklin Quotes)