Bernard Shaw Quotes

Text Quotes
I must say Bernard Shaw is greatly improved by music (Bernard Shaw Quotes)
George Bernard Shaw said that thinking was the greatest of all human endeavors, but I would say that feeling was. Allowing yourself to feel things, to feel love or wrath, hatred, rage. (Bernard Shaw Quotes)
Bernard Shaw said that when you copy yourself, you know you’ve got style. And I feel that if you can write like you write, then you are true to yourself. And it’s not an easy thing to do - it’s a disgustingly difficult thing to do. (Bernard Shaw Quotes)
Man and Superman,’ first performed in 1905, is by common consent one of George Bernard Shaw’s greatest and most significant plays, yet hardly anybody performs it today, for the understandable reason that an uncut performance runs for about five hours. (Bernard Shaw Quotes)
There is a long dishonourable tradition of western intellectuals who have been duped by Moscow. The list includes Bernard Shaw, the Webbs, H. G. Wells, and Andre Gide. (Bernard Shaw Quotes)
P.G. Wodehouse was a huge influence on me when I was younger, as were Edgar Rice Burroughs and George Bernard Shaw. (Bernard Shaw Quotes)
Concerning no subject would [George Bernard] Shaw be deterred by the minor accident of total ignorance from penning a definitive opinion. (Bernard Shaw Quotes)
While browsing in a second-hand bookshop one day, George Bernard Shaw was amused to find a copy of one of his own works which he himself had inscribed for a friend: To ----, with esteem, George Bernard Shaw. He immediately purchased the book and returned it to the friend with a second inscription: With renewed esteem, George Bernard Shaw. (Bernard Shaw Quotes)
It became quite clear to me that the Natural Law mystique, in Catholic, libertarian or neo-pagan forms, remains basically a set of rhetorical strategies to hypnotize others into the state which Bernard Shaw called barbarism and defined as ‘the belief that the laws of one’s own tribe are the laws of the universe’. (Bernard Shaw Quotes)
When Jennie, mother of Winston Churchill invited playwright George Bernard Shaw to lunch, he telegraphed: Certainly not. What have I done to provoke such an attack on my well-known habits? She replied, Know nothing of your habits; hope they are better than your manners. (Bernard Shaw Quotes)
Rees’s First Law of Quotations: When in doubt, ascribe all quotations to George Bernard Shaw (Bernard Shaw Quotes)
Plato was only a Bernard Shaw who unfortunately made his jokes in Greek (Bernard Shaw Quotes)
Deploring change is the unchangeable habit of all Englishmen. If you find any important figures who really like change, such as Bernard Shaw, Keir Hardie, Lloyd George, Selfridge or Disraeli, you will find that they are not really English at all, but Irish, Scotch, Welsh, American or Jewish. Englishmen make changes, sometimes great changes. But, secretly or openly, they always deplore them (Bernard Shaw Quotes)
George Bernard Shaw of England stopped over just long enough to make one speech in Bombay, India, started a war and 100 Indians killed each other. That’s what I call good speech-making. The only enthusiasm any of our speakers can rouse is a demand to kill the speaker (Bernard Shaw Quotes)
I made use of the college library by borrowing books other than scientific books, such as all of the plays by George Bernard Shaw, the writing of Edgar Allan Poe. The college library helped me to develop a broader aspect on life (Bernard Shaw Quotes)
Those were the days in this country where H. G. Wells, Bernard Shaw and Conan Doyle could have influence, and thats gone, thats true. But I don’t think we have less influence in the hearts and minds of readers. I think, if anything, we have just as much, if not more (Bernard Shaw Quotes)
Churchill was one of the few men I have met who even in the flesh give me the impression of genius. George Bernard Shaw is another. It is amusing to know that each thinks the other is overrated (Bernard Shaw Quotes)
On George Bernard Shaw An excellent man: he has no enemies, and none of his friends like him (Bernard Shaw Quotes)