Bernie Sanders Quotes

Text Quotes
What we need to do is to stand up to the big money interests, and the campaign contributors. When we do that, we can, in fact, transform America (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
I am very proud to be the only candidate up here who does not have a Super PAC, who’s not raising huge sums of money from Wall Street (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
I am the longest- serving independent in the history of the United States Congress. People of Vermont sent me to Washington as an independent. That is true (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
Let’s ask why it is that we pay, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs, and your medicine can be doubled tomorrow, and there’s nothing that the government can do to stop it (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
I believe in public funding of elections, absolutely. But this system iscurrently very antiquated and no longer applies to modern day politics (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
It is a public financing system that everybody knows is antiquated. It no longer works. Nobody can become president based on that system (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
I happen to respect people who are willing to come under public scrutiny and serve their country (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
Your story is for - voting for every disastrous trade agreement, and voting for corporate America. Did I vote against the Wall Street bailout? (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
If you look at our records, I stood up to corporate America time and time again. I went to Mexico. I saw the lives of people who were working in American factories and making $0.25 an hour (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
I understood that these trade agreements were going to destroy the middle class of this country. I led the fight against us. That is one of the major differences that we have (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
Real change never occurs from the top on down, [but] always from the bottom on up (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
The American people in my view will never support a candidate whose major theme is bigotry (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
Defy the pundits again and reach for a high voter turnout that’ll shock the establishment (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
I think that extreme right wing views are not what the American people are looking for right now. They want to see us create jobs (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
I am not a great fan of the payroll tax holiday because I’m nervous about what it does to the future of Social Security (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
What I do believe absolutely is that in the middle of a recession, the American middle class and working class needs a tax relief (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
The American people, whether you are Democrat, independent, Republican, progressive, conservative, do not believe corporations are people or that corporations should be able to buy elections (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
Politics is not a baseball game with winners or losers. What politics is about is whether we protect the needs of millions of people in the country who are hurting (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
I am extraordinarily proud of the campaign that we ran. The issues that we raised, the fact that we got 13 million Americans to vote for a political revolution (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
I am very proud of the campaign we ran and the supporters that came on board (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
We are going to do everything that we can to protect working families in this country (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
I think our trade policies, for many, many years, have been a disaster. They have benefited corporate America at the expense of working people (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
What Wall Street and credit card companies are doing is really not much different from what gangsters and loan sharks do who make predatory loans. While the bankers wear three-piece suits and don’t break the knee caps of those who can’t pay back, they still are destroying people’s lives (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
You know, I think many people have the mistaken impression that Congress regulates Wall Street. In truth that’s not the case. The real truth is that Wall Street regulates the Congress (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
I come from a rural state. People drive 50, 100 miles to and from work every single day. That is true all over America (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
I thought the Bush economic policy was a disaster. We lost 500,000 private sector jobs during his tenure (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
The Postal Service is a vitally important institution for the American people. It must be saved (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
Wall Street is greedy, reckless and they operate illegally. That’s fine. But what do you do? (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
Who do you think controls the Republican Party? Big money controls the Republican Party. This is where their campaign contributions come from (Bernie Sanders Quotes)
You’ve got the top 400 Americans owning more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans. Most folks do not think that is right (Bernie Sanders Quotes)