Best Friend Quotes

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I know I have an incredibly amazing family that loves and supports me unconditionally. I have a best friend I consider to be a sister, and I’ve recently discovered my true love (Best Friend Quotes)
Every actor is different so you cannot become best friends on Day One. You just have to learn to know each other (Best Friend Quotes)
All of my close friends have been in my life for years. My best friends are all people I met in grade school, going back as far as 3rd grade (Best Friend Quotes)
There were also other things, but this was a big factor. It’s sad, because she [Eve Plumb] was my best friend. We went through a lot together (Best Friend Quotes)
In our town, the most popular way out was joining the service. So my three best friends joined the Navy to get out. I didn’t (Best Friend Quotes)
Spock is definitely one of my best friends. When I put on those ears, it’s not like just another day. When I become Spock, that day becomes something special (Best Friend Quotes)
You fight like a married couple, talk like best friends, and flirt like first loves, obviously its meant to be (Best Friend Quotes)
Smiles and tears, giggles and laughs, late night calls and cute photographs. I’ll be there for you until the day of my death, best friends forever until my very last breath (Best Friend Quotes)
Everything changes and nothing stays the same but as we grow up, one thing does remain. I was with you before and will be till the end. Nothing could ever replace my best friend (Best Friend Quotes)
A female can be your best friend, worst enemy, or your worst nightmare. It depends on how you treat her (Best Friend Quotes)
You fall in love with your best friend, it doesn’t mean that you guys stop being friends. It just brings more happiness for both of you (Best Friend Quotes)
Everyone says I should tell you how I feel. But its not that simple, I’d rather be your best friend than end up being the awkward girl with all the feelings (Best Friend Quotes)
I want someone who would be my best friend, my lover, my other half, my reason to smile, my world, my everything (Best Friend Quotes)
Thing is, I’m still stuck here being your best friend while I’m falling in love with you more and more each day (Best Friend Quotes)
My biggest fear is loosing you, you say you don’t hate me, you say your still my best friend. Yet I’m here thinking I lost part of you already (Best Friend Quotes)
Tha awesome feeling of being left out while your best friend finds other people to hang out with and your’re just by yourself (Best Friend Quotes)
Having those weird conversations with your best friends and thinking if anyone heard us right now, we’d be put into a mental hospital (Best Friend Quotes)
It’s beautiful when two strangers become best friends, it’s terribly depressing when two best friends become strangers (Best Friend Quotes)
It’s so ironic how best friends just slip and they become enemies so dang quick. One wrong phrase could cost 4 years, make the perfect friendship go down in tears (Best Friend Quotes)
Its weird enough having a dream about your best friend being in love with you, but worse waking up and believing its true (Best Friend Quotes)
I’m starting to see, that this is all I’m going to be, the best friend by your side, not the love of your life (Best Friend Quotes)
Girls. Don’t look for the boy who can be the best boyfriend, look for the boy who can be your best friend (Best Friend Quotes)
I want a relationship where we talk like best friends, play like kids, argue like husband and wife, and protect each other like siblings (Best Friend Quotes)
If you fight like a married couple, talk like best friends, flirt like first lovers, protect each other like siblings, you’re meant to be (Best Friend Quotes)
It sucks when you fall in love with your best friend, because when it’s over, they are the one person you want to comfort you (Best Friend Quotes)
The hardest thing about losing your lover, is the fact that you’re also losing your best friend (Best Friend Quotes)
One person I’m with forever is me. My relationship with myself is eternal. I am my own best friend. I choose to love and accept myself (Best Friend Quotes)
My mother is more than a hero, more than a fearless women, more than a best friend, she’s my life. I love her with all my heart and I will never ask for a better mother (Best Friend Quotes)
Lately, I gotta watch what I say. You take things personal now a days. You use to laugh and now you get mad. Damn I just want my best friend back (Best Friend Quotes)
Dear boys, don’t leave your best friends just because you’ve found a girlfriend. Friendship is forever. Relationships are unstable (Best Friend Quotes)