Better to be known as a sinner than a hypocrite

Better to be known as a sinner than a hypocrite
The proverb "Better to be known as a sinner than a hypocrite" speaks to the idea that it is more honorable to be true to oneself and one's beliefs, even if they are flawed, than to pretend to be something one is not. In other words, it is better to be honest about one's faults and shortcomings than to pretend to be perfect or righteous when one is not.Hypocrisy is often seen as a particularly egregious sin because it involves deceit and dishonesty. A hypocrite presents themselves as virtuous and moral, while secretly engaging in behavior that goes against their professed beliefs. This kind of duplicity can be damaging not only to the individual who is being dishonest, but also to those around them who may be misled or deceived by their false facade.
On the other hand, being known as a sinner implies a certain level of self-awareness and humility. It acknowledges that everyone is flawed and makes mistakes, and that it is better to be honest about one's faults than to pretend to be perfect. While sinning may not be ideal, it is at least honest and authentic.