Betty White Quotes

Text Quotes
Retirement is not a dirty word, I am just enjoying what I am doing. If they want me to retire, then stop asking me. Ask and I will say yes unless it is something I really don’t like (Betty White Quotes)
I think older women still have a full life. Maybe the writers don’t address it these days, but it doesn’t change the fact (Betty White Quotes)
If you have one good series, you know, it’s a blessing. Two good series is unusual. Three is a phenomenon (Betty White Quotes)
Having a live audience makes a world of difference to the acting. It keeps your timing sharp. When something doesn’t work, the actor can sense the reaction from the audience and quickly move on (Betty White Quotes)
Humor is like music. It’s a rhythm, and you just kind of get the rhythm of it, and you have to know not to let the beat go too long, but to leave a beat in there for it to gel (Betty White Quotes)
The thing that I love about television there are no more than two or three people watching you at a time. If there are more than two or three people in a room they’re talking to each other, they’re not listening to you (Betty White Quotes)
I’m blessed with good health for which I’m deeply grateful, so for that reason, I feel so good. Everybody else is far more excited about the 90 than I am (Betty White Quotes)
Sex is pretty funny, let’s face it. And the more seriously we take ourselves, the funnier sex gets, I think (Betty White Quotes)
I’m just happy as a lark having a good health. People say are you thinking about retiring, I don’t have time to think about retiring (Betty White Quotes)
When you start explaining why something’s funny or finding a formula for it I think it loses some of its funniness (Betty White Quotes)
Humor is like a rhythm; it’s like music. And you throw a couple of extra syllables in, you wreck the beat and you kill the laugh. So I try to follow the writers very carefully because I know how carefully they worked to do it that way (Betty White Quotes)
I enjoy being busy, I really do. Remember, I’m the stub end of the railroad. I have no family, so I’m not taking busy time away from people that I should be spending it with. So I’m just relaxing and enjoying it (Betty White Quotes)
I just make it my business to get along with people so I can have fun. It’s that simple (Betty White Quotes)
I’m a big cockeyed optimist. I try to accentuate the positive as opposed to the negative (Betty White Quotes)
It’s your outlook on life that counts. If you take yourself lightly and don’t take yourself too seriously, pretty soon you can find the humor in our everyday lives. And sometimes it can be a lifesaver (Betty White Quotes)
We laugh a lot. That’s for sure. Sure beats the alternative, doesn’t it? (Betty White Quotes)
A lady likes to be complimented on her looks, her eyes, her figure. But the personality comments are much appreciated (Betty White Quotes)
You can always tell about somebody by the way they put their hands on an animal (Betty White Quotes)
I really don’t care with whom you sleep. I just care what kind of a decent human being you are (Betty White Quotes)
I like double entendre because then the people who get it enjoy it, and the people who don’t get it don’t know about it (Betty White Quotes)
Retirement is not in my vocabulary. They aren’t going to get rid of me that way (Betty White Quotes)
Wilderness is harder and harder to find these days on this beautiful planet, and we’re abusing our planet to the point of almost no return (Betty White Quotes)
It’s been phenomenal, but everybody keeps congratulating me on my resurgence and my big comeback. I haven’t been away, guys. I’ve been working steadily for the last 63 years (Betty White Quotes)
All creatures must learn to coexist. That’s why the brown bear and the field mouse can share their lives in harmony. Of course, they can’t mate or the mice would explode (Betty White Quotes)
I think everybody needs a passion. Whether it’s one passion or a hundred, that’s what keep life interesting (Betty White Quotes)
Snow always inspires such awe in me. Just consider one tiny snowflake alone, so delicate, so fragile, so ethereal. And yet, let a billion of them come together through the majestic force of nature, they can screw up a whole city (Betty White Quotes)
Facebook just sounds like a drag, in my day seeing pictures of peoples vacations was considered a punishment (Betty White Quotes)
I think we’re losing our sense of humor instead of being able to relax and laugh at ourselves. I don’t care whether it’s ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, or whose ox is being gored (Betty White Quotes)
I know unless I’m true to myself I couldn’t be happy. Too much emphasis is placed today on externals and too little on character (Betty White Quotes)
I’m so compulsive about stuff, I know if I had ever gotten pregnant, of course, that would have been my whole focus. But I didn’t choose to have children because I’m focused on my career. And I just don’t think, as compulsive as I am, that I could manage both (Betty White Quotes)