Big Bang Quotes

Text Quotes
The ‘hard swallow’ built into science is this business about the Big Bang. ... This is the notion that the universe, for no reason, sprang from nothing in a single instant. ... Notice that this is the limit test for credulity. . . . It’s the limit case for likelihood. (Big Bang Quotes)
I think I worked an average of about 10 minutes a day [in Big Bang Theory series]. It took longer to get to the studio than I actually worked. So I regard the driving there as the actual job. The work itself was just fun. (Big Bang Quotes)
In 50 years - or 20 years, or 200 years - our current epistemic horizon (the Big Bang, roughly) may look as parochial as the horizon Newton had to settle for in his day, but no doubt there will still be good questions whose answers elude us. (Big Bang Quotes)
Our minds work in real time, which begins at the Big Bang and will end, if there is a Big Crunch - which seems unlikely, now, from the latest data showing accelerating expansion. Consciousness would come to an end at a singularity. (Big Bang Quotes)
The truth is that this universe is gassy and unpredictable. It still has not said excuse me for The Big Bang. Sometimes we expect too much instead of practicing enough or receiving in us just the right answer. You, the Staggering Answer (Big Bang Quotes)
Clearly, enriching the cosmos with heavy elements takes a while. So there’s inevitably an interval between the sterile aftermath of the Big Bang and a time when the cosmic chemistry set had enough ingredients to make rocky planets (and squishy biology). (Big Bang Quotes)
To understand the universe in the state that it began in, the so-called Big Bang, we need laws of physics that work better than our current set of rules and procedures, which break down when we try to push them back to the beginning. (Big Bang Quotes)
We are driven by the results of the Big Bang, billions of years ago, which eventually produced life, which eventually produced human beings, and so on. But me? I’m an accident - a result - and therefore a victim. (Big Bang Quotes)
Chuck Lorre and I had been talking about doing one of his shows for a while. I said I’d like to do ‘The Big Bang Theory,’ because I think it’s the best written, most intelligent show on television. (Big Bang Quotes)
America’s popular heroes have seldom been its great thinkers, and even less its scientists. The success of TV’s ‘Big Bang Theory,’ which seems to give the lie to this claim, is more the exception that proves the rule. (Big Bang Quotes)
St. Augustine explicitly warns against a very narrow perspective that will put our faith at risk of looking ridiculous. If you step back from that one narrow interpretation, what the Bible describes is very consistent with the Big Bang. (Big Bang Quotes)
Of course, we would love to know more about the exact moment of Big Bang, but interposing an outside intelligence does nothing to add to that knowledge, as we still know nothing about the creation of that intelligence. (Big Bang Quotes)
We’re quite happy with our Big Bang description of cosmic origins. But actually, the Big Bang accounts for what happened only after the beginning. The beginning itself, and especially what happened before, remains the biggest mystery of all. (Big Bang Quotes)
I confess I sometimes sneak a peek at ‘The Big Bang Theory.’ I chuckle at their antics. But I cringe when they portray physicists as clueless nerds who are doormats when it comes to picking up women. (Big Bang Quotes)
There may be many Big Bangs that happened at various and far-flung locations, each creating its own swelling, spatial expanse, each creating a universe - our universe being the result of only one of those Big Bangs. (Big Bang Quotes)
Literally, there is a lot of talk about sparks in the Kabbalah. It talks about when God created the world initially, there was an explosion that happened like a Big Bang but based on vessels and light. (Big Bang Quotes)
I’d like to do music in the same way - in a witty way. People think of YG artists as rarely appearing on TV but I’d like to make Big Bang fans happy through various mediums. (Big Bang Quotes)
The quantum fluctuations within a zero-point field can start the process that builds the process, which builds into matter, an irreversible process. We have some evidence that suggests that. We don’t have a Big Bang, but we have a lot of little pops! A continuous set of little pops! (Big Bang Quotes)
They’ve discovered that, where all the other galaxies are moving in one direction, ours is going in another. Now, the Big Bang theory says that we’re all moving outward (Big Bang Quotes)
Planet Lucy Press? I incorporated myself to deal with publishing and was calling myself Big Bang Incorporated, which of course has to do with the Big Bang at the beginning of creation (Big Bang Quotes)
The radiation left over from the Big Bang is the same as that in your microwave oven but very much less powerful. It would heat your pizza only to minus 271.3*C - not much good for defrosting the pizza, let alone cooking it (Big Bang Quotes)
You have ordinary moments and ordinary moments and more ordinary moments, and then, suddenly, there is something monumental right there. You have past and future colliding in the present, your own personal Big Bang, and nothing will ever be the same (Big Bang Quotes)
All that stuff I was taught about evolution, embryology, Big Bang theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of hell. It’s lies to try to keep me and all the folks who are taught that from understanding that they need a savior (Big Bang Quotes)
There is no ground for supposing that matter and energy existed before [the Big Bang] and were suddenly galvanized into action. For what could distinguish that moment from all other moments in eternity? It is simpler to postulate creation ex nihilo-Divine will constituting Nature from nothingness (Big Bang Quotes)
God created the universe out of nothing in an act which also brought time into existence. Recent discoveries, such as observations supporting the Big Bang and similar astronomical phenomena, are wholly compatible with this view (Big Bang Quotes)
Super Mario Bros. is equivalent to the Big Bang of our gaming universe. If it were not for this blindingly spectacular creation, digital entertainment as we know it today would not exist (Big Bang Quotes)
It is flat-out strange that something-that anything-is happening at all. There was nothing then a Big Bang, then here we all are. This is extremely weird (Big Bang Quotes)
Take away the Big Bang and what has God done? Burned a bush and got a girl pregnant. Great, he’s a high school junior (Big Bang Quotes)
The Big Bang has made Idealists out of almost anybody who thinks. First there was absolutely nothing, then Bang! Something. This is beyond weird. Out of sheerest Emptiness, manifestation arises (Big Bang Quotes)
Big Bang Theory’ is not my kind of show. It’s not my humor. I don’t like multicam comedies. I don’t want an audience to tell me when to laugh (Big Bang Quotes)