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I think the success around any product is really about subtle insights. You need a great product and a bigger vision to execute against, but its really those small things that make the big difference  (Bigger Quotes) Life is bigger than our explanations of it. To be in touch with life, go beyond your explanations  (Bigger Quotes) I can’t begin to count how many times I have warned politicians and candidates to worry as much about the good coverage as the bad, because the more air they put in your balloon, the bigger the target when they start shooting  (Bigger Quotes) You must always have great, secret, big fat hopes for yourself in love and in life. The bigger, the better  (Bigger Quotes) Fatigue is your friend. Through exhaustion and through people just being so depleted, the stuff around the nerve endings gets worn away and other things begin to emerge and you take way bigger risks  (Bigger Quotes) We break ourselves up into parts. To lie to ourselves, to hide things from ourselves. You are not you. You are not what you think you are. You are bigger than you think. More complicated than you think  (Bigger Quotes) I am smaller in size compared to everyone else. But my dreams are bigger than everyone else  (Bigger Quotes) Working together in concert more smoothly not only helps us move more quickly; it changes the nature of what we can undertake. When we have the confidence that we can orchestrate the group effort required to realize them, we dare bigger dreams  (Bigger Quotes) The less a man knows the bigger the noise he makes and the higher the salary he commands  (Bigger Quotes) I want to smash this concrete world into oblivion. I want to be bigger, better, stronger. I want to be the bird that flies away  (Bigger Quotes) God gives me hope that there is something greater than us, something better and bigger than the here and now, that can help us live  (Bigger Quotes) If your ideas are bigger than the town you’re in, you’ve got to get out of there  (Bigger Quotes) It’s the rare happening when actors get together and you have chemistry, connection, just something that works, that’s bigger than what’s on the page  (Bigger Quotes) Everybody has their own problems. No matter how big you think yours are, there is someone else that has bigger problems or different problems  (Bigger Quotes) When you look at yourself from a universal standpoint, something inside always reminds or informs you that there are bigger and better things to worry about  (Bigger Quotes) Computer assisted proofs are getting better and better and computers will play a bigger and bigger role in the future  (Bigger Quotes) The trouble with improv is that it is often about being funny in the moment without any real consideration for the bigger picture  (Bigger Quotes) I like being a cog in a wheel. I like being a small aspect of a much bigger thing, and I think my interest in that takes the pressure of myself  (Bigger Quotes) I kind of wonder if creativity is all morphing into one big thing that’s not even art, but something universal and bigger  (Bigger Quotes) Men don’t make different mistakes at different periods of their lives. They make the same mistake over and over again and they pay a bigger and bigger price for it  (Bigger Quotes) We don’t so much solve our problems as we outgrow them. We add capacities and experiences that eventually make us bigger than the problems  (Bigger Quotes) I also think you have less separation if you are fuller. If you go to the gym and pump your arms up they are bigger because of the blood volume, the fullness. But the separation is not so defined  (Bigger Quotes) It is a bigger miracle to be patient and refrain from anger than it is to control the demons which fly through the air  (Bigger Quotes) As a reader, I don’t feel a story has an obligation to make me happy. I want stories to show me a bigger world than the one I know  (Bigger Quotes) For the first time in our history, every spectrum of black thought is in the same room on the same page with a cause bigger than our persons, bigger than our organizations, and the cause is to ease the suffering of the masses of our people  (Bigger Quotes) I, personally, think there is a really danger of taking food too seriously. Food should be part of the bigger picture  (Bigger Quotes) It’s an objective fact, that if you want to solve some of these huge, kind of bigger problems of extreme poverty, you have to include the women. They’re the ones who will get it done  (Bigger Quotes) We make our lives bigger or smaller, more expansive or more limited, according to the interpretation of life that is our story  (Bigger Quotes) Being famous very often means sacrificing your privacy and that of others. You have to impose on those close to you a pace and lifestyle that might be a bigger sacrifice for others than it is for you  (Bigger Quotes) I’m not going to waste a second feeling sorry for myself because I’m not a bigger star than I am. I can walk down the street in most places in the world and I still drive really nice cars  (Bigger Quotes)
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