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A person could leave you so quickly. So much history and time and memories, but they snuck away from you, and other things took their place. How could you hold on? Wait. A bigger question. The biggest. How could you hold on and let go?  (Bigger Quotes) She might be a great person, but life’s so much bigger than just loving someone  (Bigger Quotes) The ocean makes its music; the wind does its dance. We hold on. At first we hold on to one another, but then it starts to feel like we are holding on to something even bigger than that. Greater  (Bigger Quotes) Our triumph over sorrow is not that we can avoid it but that we can endure it. And therein lies our hope; that in spirit we might become bigger than the problems we face  (Bigger Quotes) Love: a single word, a wispy thing, a word no bigger or longer than an edge  (Bigger Quotes) As I lay on my back in bed staring up at the blank, white ceiling the stillness seemed to grow bigger and bigger until I felt my eardrums would burst with it  (Bigger Quotes) It is a great thing if you can persuade people that they are somehow or other partakers in a mystery. It makes them feel bigger  (Bigger Quotes) My world did not shrink because I was a black female writer. It just got bigger  (Bigger Quotes) I find that the more willing I am to be grateful for the small things in life, the bigger stuff just seems to show up from unexpected sources, and I am constantly looking forward to each day with all the surprises that keep coming my way!  (Bigger Quotes) I’d like to be a bigger and more knowledgeable person ten years from now than I am today. I think that for all of us as we grow older, we must discipline ourselves to continue expanding, broadening, learning, keeping our minds active and open  (Bigger Quotes) Baby you’re my everything, you’re all I ever wanted, we can do it real big, bigger than you’ve ever done it  (Bigger Quotes) There is always room in your life for thinking bigger, pushing limits and imagining the impossible  (Bigger Quotes) A man on a horse is spiritually, as well as physically, bigger then a man on foot  (Bigger Quotes) People want to be on a team. They want to be part of something bigger than themselves. They want to be in a situation where they feel that they are doing something for the greater good  (Bigger Quotes) The bigger the bill, the harder you ball. Well I’m throwing mine, cause my money long. The quicker you here, the faster you go. That’s why where I come from the only thing we know is  (Bigger Quotes) It is the most powerful creation to have life growing inside of you. There is no bigger gift  (Bigger Quotes) Our remnants of wilderness will yield bigger values to the nation’s character and health than they will to its pocketbook, and to destroy them will be to admit that the latter are the only values that interest us  (Bigger Quotes) Blessed is the man who gets the opportunity to devote his life to something bigger than himself and who finds himself surrounded by friends who share his passion  (Bigger Quotes) Sharing makes you bigger than you are. The more you pour out, the more life will be able to pour in  (Bigger Quotes) With greater confidence in yourself and your abilities, you will set bigger goals, make bigger plans and commit yourself to achieving objectives that today you only dream about  (Bigger Quotes) Always remember that you are bigger than the moment, you are more than anything that could ever happen to you  (Bigger Quotes) Like many of you, I was concerned about going out into the world and doing something bigger than myself. Until someone smarter than myself made me realize that there is nothing bigger than myself  (Bigger Quotes) Opening your heart and being courageous and telling people that you care about them or like them or that you think they’re special only makes you a better, bigger, kinder, softer, more loving person, and only attracts more love into your life  (Bigger Quotes) The deeper I go into myself, the stronger I become, because I realize that my real self is much bigger than any fear  (Bigger Quotes) The world is older and bigger than we are. This is a hard truth for some folks to swallow  (Bigger Quotes) When the beginnings of self destruction enter the heart, it seems no bigger than a grain of sand  (Bigger Quotes) If one does not practice nonviolence in one’s own personal relations with others and hopes to use it in bigger affairs, one is vastly mistaken  (Bigger Quotes) Be swift to take advantage of business opportunities. Bigger companies are too cumbersome to move quickly; this can be a competitive advantage for you  (Bigger Quotes) There was a euphoria in the music and the way it was delivered, and as the crowds started to get bigger, it fed off itself until it became less about the band and more about being with all those people jumping up and down, drunk to the music  (Bigger Quotes) I wish scientists would come up with a way to make dogs a lot bigger, but with a smaller head. That way, they’d still be good as watchdogs, but they wouldn’t eat as much  (Bigger Quotes)
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