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Bigger Quotes

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Originally they wanted it to be bigger, but I pleaded and pleaded and pleaded to have the smallest tonsure that they could get away with. A tonsure that could still be seen, but, I worried about my social life!  (Bigger Quotes) Dancing is bigger than the physical body. Think bigger than that. When you extend your arm, it doesn’t stop at the end of your fingers, because you’re dancing bigger than that. You’re dancing spirit  (Bigger Quotes) The cast clubs were a big part of it, too. I found I wasn’t getting that instant feedback I was used to with a forged blade. The sweet spot is a shade bigger, and when I didn’t hit the ball dead center, I didn’t know it, because it still felt great  (Bigger Quotes) Have confidence that if you have done a little thing well, you can do a bigger thing well too  (Bigger Quotes) At some of the venues, the audience was so loud we could hardly hear what was happening on stage, which kind of threw us back to 1983, when we had very similar reactions on a much bigger scale  (Bigger Quotes) We do not need presidents who are bigger than the country, but rather ones who speak for it and support it  (Bigger Quotes) I am crying for more and more disasters, for bigger calamities, for grander failures. I want the whole world to be out of whack, I want everyone to scratch himself to death  (Bigger Quotes) The greatest thing to come out of this for the world economy, if you could put it that way, would be $20 a barrel for oil. That’s bigger than any tax cut in any country  (Bigger Quotes) I feel that music is the art which can best express the emotions which flow within us. It conveys something bigger than it is  (Bigger Quotes) When I said that I make out with dudes, there was a slight sense of sexual rebellion in that. And I probably even made it a bigger deal than it was  (Bigger Quotes) I told her it was a bigger than life musical, that all the actors were going to be about the same age, late twenties into thirties. It would be a style; a kind of surreal high school  (Bigger Quotes) I seem to find different material every four to six months and I frequently forget it which is a shame because it would be nice to have a bigger library  (Bigger Quotes) I’m asthmatic. I was a lot bigger back then, and I still get winded on stage today. But I’ve learned how to pace it now. I have musical breaks in there  (Bigger Quotes) I always dream about other musicians. and they’re never interested in hanging out with us. It’s like being at school and the bigger boys don’t want to play with you!  (Bigger Quotes) Presidential money is almost like the housing bubble. It’s growing at such an astronomical rate, you think it can’t get any bigger  (Bigger Quotes) A person shows himself for an instant as in a photograph but clearer and in the background something which is bigger than his shadow  (Bigger Quotes) We’ll free every slave in every town and region. Can anybody get a bigger army than that?  (Bigger Quotes) Women are far and away the bigger consumers of fiction than men, but men are still far and away the more reviewed, the more critically esteemed, the more respected. That can get frustrating  (Bigger Quotes) Baseball’s future? Bigger and bigger, better and better! No question about it, it’s the greatest game there is!  (Bigger Quotes) A man on a horse is spiritually as well as physically bigger than a man on foot  (Bigger Quotes) I don’t know if I’d want to do that anymore, because you always get bigger laughs on college campuses. So, when the film plays in front of a city audience, you’ve probably cut too loosely  (Bigger Quotes) A man isn’t really alive till he has something bigger than himself and his own little happiness, for which he’d gladly die  (Bigger Quotes) It doesn’t matter how you travel it, it’s the same road. It doesn’t get any easier when you get bigger, it gets harder. and it will kill you if you let it  (Bigger Quotes) What did we want? We want the world smaller and bigger and just the same but advancing. We don’t know what we want  (Bigger Quotes) In the periods of crisis, the bigger firms absorb the smaller ones, and when the industrial monsters eventually go down, the wreckage is far greater than when the little enterprises buckle  (Bigger Quotes) Imaginations and illusions are always so much more powerful and bigger than this mediocre and boring thing called reality  (Bigger Quotes) When I get up in the morning and have to go to work and jump off things that may be quite dangerous, the payback isn’t the bigger car, but it’s that someone somewhere will smile a lot  (Bigger Quotes) They’re also surprised I’m only 6 feet tall. They expect someone much bigger. They say I’m younger and prettier in person, which I like  (Bigger Quotes) The secret to perseverance is a simple one: have a bigger commitment to getting the job done than to attempting to control your inner feelings and sensations  (Bigger Quotes) Let no one expect anything of certainty from astronomy, lest if anyone take as true that which has been constructed for another use, he go away... A bigger fool than when he came to it  (Bigger Quotes)
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