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Your own Fear is the greatest obstacle you will ever face on your journey. Let your Faith be bigger than your Fear  (Bigger Quotes) I was played the villain so much because I was bigger and stronger than most, and they cast me as the villain everywhere I went  (Bigger Quotes) I really appreciate when people use their fame and their voice for more than just self-promotion, starting a dialogue about a topic or an issue much bigger than themselves  (Bigger Quotes) From day one, my idea was always to use the gallery as this animated place to discover culture in a much bigger way  (Bigger Quotes) This is what I want for entrepreneurs, especially for women: to believe in themselves, to dream bigger, reach higher, and to achieve success beyond their wildest expectations  (Bigger Quotes) Sometimes, when you do the music for a play, there are very clear boundaries as to what needs to be achieved. You’re very much a little cog in a much bigger machine  (Bigger Quotes) I’ve written a lot about drugs and alcohol. I wouldn’t say it’s because we’ve gotten bigger or anything, but I kind of feel a little bit done with it. There are other things to talk about  (Bigger Quotes) A conversation with you is a different thing than projecting to a couple hundred people. It’s bigger and more animated and it’s on a bigger scope, but still in the heart, it’s honestly me  (Bigger Quotes) I just think structure can make a book feel so much bigger. It’s the architecture. You could use flimsy materials if you wanted to, even, but it could still feel big  (Bigger Quotes) I needed to understand this random bad bit of luck as part of a bigger design. Otherwise I was suffering meaninglessly. This made the suffering a lot worse  (Bigger Quotes) I think when you evolve into a headlining act and things get bigger, the intimacy, and some of that energy gets lost a little bit  (Bigger Quotes) I’d like to build my company and make a bigger company always, but I think in the behind the scenes arena is where I’d prefer to spend my time  (Bigger Quotes) Miyazaki’s films in Japan are bigger than Titanic. He’s an incredible rock star there. In the US, they don’t do as well  (Bigger Quotes) You always want to translate as much emotion as you can, even if it’s broader with bigger emotions  (Bigger Quotes) If you write a screenplay that gets circulated, you have a bigger readership than any literary novelist. And it’s an educated audience as well  (Bigger Quotes) You know what? I knew that my God was bigger than his [about Muslims in Somalia]. I knew that my God was a real God and his was an idol  (Bigger Quotes) You want to have strong legs. You’re in the trenches going against bigger guys in there, and you want to be able to have some force against them  (Bigger Quotes) I grew up with heroes, people who made me aspire to raise my game, to dream bigger and I like to keep it that simple  (Bigger Quotes) I know that my work as a singer is important, it’s valuable to me and to others, but I think that in the bigger picture, I’m just trying to keep my heart pure and open  (Bigger Quotes) I’m living for myself, everything I do is to achieve my goals, so I’d love to stop caring so much about what I want by then and maybe focus on a bigger picture  (Bigger Quotes) The Russians did much bigger space launch vehicles for launching satellites and for getting men in orbit. They did that much sooner than America because America was very good at something else  (Bigger Quotes) Even when the faith goes away, there’s that space where you crave something bigger than yourself. For me, that’s kind of where art came in, after that  (Bigger Quotes) If we don’t rebuild that connection with people we will really find even bigger gaps, because our gap on inequality is not just economic  (Bigger Quotes) It seems to me that the fact that I am a woman is a bigger issue than the fact that I’m from the East. For me it isn’t really important. I’ve only ever known myself as a woman  (Bigger Quotes) Less than a year after loading the company up with debt, Romney and Bain gave themselves bonuses four times bigger than the $8 million they had put into the deal  (Bigger Quotes) I don’t understand, Why do I stress the man, When there’s so many bigger things at hand  (Bigger Quotes) I remember that coming to America was scary for me because everything here is just bigger, better, shinier, you know  (Bigger Quotes) I’m more financially successful, but it just means the shopping blunders I make are bigger now  (Bigger Quotes) I wanted to be a missionary and work abroad, but girls started to become a bigger part of my life around the time I lost interest in the priesthood  (Bigger Quotes) You really do only have a short period to live. So let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions louder than your words  (Bigger Quotes)
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