Bill Bryson Quotes

Text Quotes
A significant fraction of thru-hikers reach Katahdin, then turn around and start back to Georgia. They just can’t stop walking, which kind of makes you wonder (Bill Bryson Quotes)
I always wanted to do a baseball book; I love baseball. The problem is that a very large part of my following is in non-baseball playing countries (Bill Bryson Quotes)
I can’t imagine there has ever been a more gratifying time or place to be alive than America in the 1950s. No country had ever known such prosperity (Bill Bryson Quotes)
I don’t want to go and start trying to make jokes in places like India, Tanzania or Iraq. Afghanistan is not a funny place (Bill Bryson Quotes)
All the things that are part of your heritage make you British - that makes this country what it is. It’s part of your history. And here, unlike America, it’s still living history (Bill Bryson Quotes)
An awful lot of England is slowly eroding, in ways that I find really distressing, and an awful lot of it is the hedgerows... We’re reaching the point where a lot of the English countryside looks just like Iowa - just kind of open space (Bill Bryson Quotes)
Book tours are really kind of fun. You get to stay in nice hotels, you are driven everywhere in big silver cars, you are treated as if you are much more important than you are, you can eat steak three times a day at someone else’s expense, and you get to talk endlessly about yourself for weeks at a stretch (Bill Bryson Quotes)
Have you ever seen Glenn Beck in operation? It is the most terrifying thing. It’s so bad that you think he’s going to announce in a minute that it’s all a great con. He makes Sarah Palin look reasonable and steady (Bill Bryson Quotes)
I can wear a baseball cap; I am entitled to wear a baseball cap. I am genetically pre-disposed to wear a baseball cap, whereas most English people look wrong in a baseball cap (Bill Bryson Quotes)
I hadn’t realized quite how extraordinary Charles Lindbergh’s achievement was in flying the Atlantic alone. He had never flown over open water before, but he flew straight to Dingle Bay in Ireland and then on to Paris, exactly as planned (Bill Bryson Quotes)
I wish I could adjust my voice, but it’s just what’s happened to me. It’s because I’ve lived abroad for a long time, and my wife is English and my kids all have English accents, and every voice I hear is English. I’ve never intentionally changed my accent at all (Bill Bryson Quotes)
I’m not a natural story-teller. Put a keyboard in front of me and I’m fine, but stand me up in front of an audience and I’m actually quite shy and reserved (Bill Bryson Quotes)
If you drive to, say, Shenandoah National Park, or the Great Smoky Mountains, you’ll get some appreciation for the scale and beauty of the outdoors. When you walk into it, then you see it in a completely different way. You discover it in a much slower, more majestic sort of way (Bill Bryson Quotes)
There’d never been a more advantageous time to be a criminal in America than during the 13 years of Prohibition. At a stroke, the American government closed down the fifth largest industry in the United States - alcohol production - and just handed it to criminals - a pretty remarkable thing to do (Bill Bryson Quotes)
Very little of what America does is actually bad, and I don’t think it ever does anything anywhere that is intentionally bad. I mean, sometimes we make mistakes and bad judgments and kind of back the wrong regimes and things, but by and large what America does is really good (Bill Bryson Quotes)
Where I grew up, in Des Moines, Iowa, there is hardly any downtown economic activity now. Everybody shops in malls - you don’t find a sense of community in malls (Bill Bryson Quotes)
You don’t have to know anything about baseball to respond to Babe Ruth because he’s just this magnificent human being. And a really good story because he was this kid who grew up essentially as an orphan, you know, had a tough life, and then he became the most successful baseball player ever. But he was also a really good guy (Bill Bryson Quotes)
My mother only ever said two things. She said,’I don’t know, dear.’And she said,’Can I get you a sandwich, honey? (Bill Bryson Quotes)
As James Surowiecki noted in a New Yorker article, given a choice between developing antibiotics that people will take every day for two weeks and antidepressants that people will take every day for ever, drug companies not surprisingly opt for the latter. Although a few antibiotics have been toughened up a bit, the pharmaceutical industry hasn’t given us an entirely new antibiotic since the 1970s (Bill Bryson Quotes)
If a potato can produce vitamin C, why can’t we? Within the animal kingdom only humans and guinea pigs are unable to synthesize vitamin C in their own bodies. Why us and guinea pigs? No point asking. Nobody knows (Bill Bryson Quotes)
I grew up, really, in the days before air conditioning. So I can remember what it was like to be really hot, for instance, and I can remember what it was like when your barber shop and your local stores weren’t air conditioned, so it was hot when you went in them and they propped the doors open. (Bill Bryson Quotes)
When the poet Paul Valery once asked Albert Einstein if he kept a notebook to record his ideas, Einstein looked at him with mild but genuine surprise. Oh, that’s not necessary, he replied . It’s so seldom I have one. (Bill Bryson Quotes)
I had always thought that once you grew up you could do anything you wanted - stay up all night or eat ice-cream straight out of the container. (Bill Bryson Quotes)
I had to drive to Minneapolis once, and went on a back road just to see the country. But there was nothing to see. It’s just flat and hot, and full of corn and soybeans and hogs. Every once in a while you come across a farm or some dead little town where the liveliest thing is the flies. (Bill Bryson Quotes)
I’ve been wanting to do a book about baseball for the longest time, and nobody will let me do it. It’s the one thing from America I really miss. (Bill Bryson Quotes)
If you go out on the Appalachian Trail, you have to bring so much more equipment - a tent, sleeping bag - but if you go hiking in England, or Europe, generally, towns and villages are near enough together at the end of the day you can always go to a nice little inn and have a hot bath and something to drink. (Bill Bryson Quotes)
Scientists tend to be unappreciated in the world at large, but you can hardly overstate the importance of the work they do. (Bill Bryson Quotes)
The food is excellent. The beer is cold. The sun nearly always shines. There is coffee on every corner. Life doesn’t get much better than this. (Bill Bryson Quotes)
Being a pessimist is just such a gloomy way of looking at things, so I have to hope for the best - life wouldn’t be worth living if we didn’t have hope. And I also do think that human beings often do do wonderful, correct, brilliant things. So, on balance, I’d like to be optimistic about the future. (Bill Bryson Quotes)
The basic challenge of any book is you know you’re going to be working on it for three or four years or more. So you want to have a subject that will keep you engaged. (Bill Bryson Quotes)