Bill Crawford Quotes

Text Quotes
Nothing is meaningless it’s how we assign meaning to the past that determines how we experience the present, and future. (Bill Crawford Quotes)
Selfish is caring for ourselves at others’ expense ... Self-care is taking care of ourselves so that we can be there for others. (Bill Crawford Quotes)
A relationship is like life. It isn’t a process of preservation, but of change and growth. Unless you grow and change together, you will change ... and grow apart. (Bill Crawford Quotes)
When dealing with problems, seek not to change some aspect of your life but instead, choose who you want to become as a path to what you want. Transformation and healing then take place as a process of becoming versus avoiding. (Bill Crawford Quotes)
There are two ways to look at most problems... ‘Oh Crap!’ or, ‘Good Information!,’ and our choice will give us good information on how to deal with problems in the future. (Bill Crawford Quotes)
Regardless of the problem, as long as our solution requires someone else to change, we will never know the power and promise of self-determination. (Bill Crawford Quotes)
Love will keep us safe when we commit to choosing the kind of qualities, characteristics, and relationships that we would recommend to someone we love. (Bill Crawford Quotes)
When the question is either/or, the answer is almost alwaysboth/and (Bill Crawford Quotes)
Becoming critical in the face of criticism, only inspires more criticism (Bill Crawford Quotes)
You can’t fight fire with fire, or fear with fear (Bill Crawford Quotes)
What we feed our mind becomes the material with which we build our life (Bill Crawford Quotes)
Never define yourself in terms of how you are negatively affected by others (Bill Crawford Quotes)
Trusting fear, while fearing trust and happiness often creates a less than happy life (Bill Crawford Quotes)
Nothing destroys a relationship quicker than our fears of inadequacy and loss (Bill Crawford Quotes)
Want to change your experience of life? Change the problem to the practice field (Bill Crawford Quotes)
You never want to tie your responsibility to another’s irresponsibility (Bill Crawford Quotes)
Sometimes knowing what to do is knowing when to stop (Bill Crawford Quotes)
The key to being with family is to engage with those we love in a way we would teach to those we love (Bill Crawford Quotes)
When we take care of ourselves like we would take care of someone we love, the quality of our living and our giving goes up (Bill Crawford Quotes)
Never define people or situations in terms of their effect on you, unless you want to give them the power to make you feel that way (Bill Crawford Quotes)
Problems occur when we tie our peace of mind to another’s state of mind (Bill Crawford Quotes)
As long as we define stress as how some person or situation is making us feel, we will have to change the world around us to find peace of mind (Bill Crawford Quotes)
A meaningful life is composed of a series of meaningful moments. If this is what we want, then the ability to infuse each moment with meaning would seem to be a skill worth practicing (Bill Crawford Quotes)
The problem with lethargy is that doing nothing validates the fear that nothing can be done (Bill Crawford Quotes)
All connections are infused with dreams of what is possible in the future. Thus, when we lose something or someone important to us, we aren’t just grieving the loss, we are grieving the shattered dream (Bill Crawford Quotes)
The act of giving is simply a behavior, and the gift merely a symbol. It is the energy behind both that will determine their impact on our lives (Bill Crawford Quotes)
It’s not simply what we feel, but what we feed, that determines what we do and how we live (Bill Crawford Quotes)
Courage isn’t the absence of fear, but a decision that what we want is more important than what we are afraid of (Bill Crawford Quotes)
Never make your highest purpose, or the most important thing in your life something that is outside of your control (Bill Crawford Quotes)
Many people would rather be certain of their worries and fears, than risk the uncertainty of hope and optimism (Bill Crawford Quotes)