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Binding Quotes

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He heals the broken hearted, binding up their wounds  (Binding Quotes) Hate traps us by binding us too tightly to our adversary  (Binding Quotes) Nothing is so binding as pity  (Binding Quotes) No obligation to do the impossible is binding  (Binding Quotes) Binding emissions targets for the developing nations are out of the question  (Binding Quotes) In some respects the better a book is, the less it demands from binding  (Binding Quotes) The ultimate foundation of a free society is the binding tie of cohesive sentiment  (Binding Quotes) Love shouldn’t be binding, but freeing  (Binding Quotes) Only by binding together as a single force will we remain strong and unconquerable  (Binding Quotes) A common language is the most obvious binding element in any society  (Binding Quotes) All great writers begin with a good leather binding and a respectable title  (Binding Quotes) No oath can be too binding for a lover  (Binding Quotes) No written law has ever been more binding than unwritten custom supported by popular opinion  (Binding Quotes) Love is the binding force on every level of existence  (Binding Quotes) Before a man can bind the enemy, he must know there is nothing binding him  (Binding Quotes) In some respects the better a book is, the less it demands from the binding  (Binding Quotes) ... there are no chains so galling as the chains of ignorance--no fetters so binding as those that bind the soul, and exclude it from the vast field of useful and scientific knowledge. O, had I received the advantages of early education, my ideas would, ere now, have expanded far and wide; but, alas! I possess nothing but moral capability--no teachings but the teachings of the Holy Spirit  (Binding Quotes) Commitment... is a binding, but happy, response to duty. It is at once peaceful yet compelling, for it obligates one to action. It is essential to the good life. It is doing what everyone can do  (Binding Quotes) Why cannot we work at cooperative schemes and search for the common ground binding all mankind together  (Binding Quotes) Human beings function better if they are deceived by their genes into thinking that there is a disinterested objective morality binding upon them, which all should obey  (Binding Quotes) What is lawful is not binding only on some and not binding on others. Lawfulness extends everywhere, through the wide-ruling air and the boundless light of the sky  (Binding Quotes) In most of the European countries - France stands out in its resistance to this particular form of American cultural imperialism - the national film industries were forced onto the defensive after the war by such binding agreements.  (Binding Quotes) An oath is a recognizance to heaven, binding us over in the courts above to plead to the indictment of our crimes  (Binding Quotes) My own view, which does not rely solely on religious faith or even on an original idea, but rather on ordinary common sense, is that establishing binding ethical principles is possible when we take as our starting point the observation that we all desire happiness and wish to avoid suffering  (Binding Quotes) In this choice of inheritance we have given to our frame of polity the image of a relation in blood; binding up the constitution of our country with our dearest domestic ties; adopting our fundamental laws into the bosom of our family affections; keeping inseparable and cherishing with the warmth of all their combined and mutually reflected charities, our state, our hearths, our sepulchres, and our altars  (Binding Quotes) Proper wedding vows are more a promise of mutually binding future love than a declaration of your present love  (Binding Quotes) It is only work that is done as freewill offering to humanity and to nature that does not bring with it any binding attachment  (Binding Quotes) Our thoughts and actions must in no way be determined by the approval or disapproval of our time, but by the binding obligation to a truth which we have recognized  (Binding Quotes) A promise is a commitment to do something later, and a vow is a binding commitment to begin doing something now and to continue to do it for the duration of the vow. Some vows, or contracts, are for life; others are for limited periods of time  (Binding Quotes) The cords of passion and desire weave a binding net around you. Worldly confrontation makes you stiff and inflexible. The trap of duality is tenacious. Bound, rigid, and trapped, you cannot experience liberation  (Binding Quotes)
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