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Binge Quotes

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No matter what we weigh, those of us who are compulsive eaters have anorexia of the soul. We refuse to take in what sustains us. We live lives of deprivation. And when we can’t stand it any longer, we binge  (Binge Quotes) We are on a sexual binge in this country.... One consequence of this binge is that while people now get into bed more readily and a lot more naturally than they once did, what happens there often seems less important  (Binge Quotes) When I don’t feel in the mood for painting I go to the movies for a week or more. I go on a regular movie binge!  (Binge Quotes) I’m on a constant yo-yo of health. I will go a week eating incredibly clean, but then I’ll follow that up with a month’s worth of binge eating. Then I hit the gym and eat clean, and then I mix it up with core exercises, yoga, Pilates, and sitting on an incline bench while checking my phone  (Binge Quotes) You know how you finish a bag of chips and you hate yourself? You know you’ve done nothing good for yourself. That’s the same feeling, and you know it is, after some digital binge. You feel wasted and hollow and diminished  (Binge Quotes) Everyone is going to binge on a diet, for instance, so plan for it, schedule it, and contain the damage  (Binge Quotes) There is nothing more helpless and irresponsible than a man in the depths of an ether binge  (Binge Quotes) I love hanging out with friends and family, going to the beach or just being a couch potato and binge watching TV shows or watching a good movie  (Binge Quotes) Congratulations on being nauseous in the morning from something other than binge drinking  (Binge Quotes) You’re going to be great at the staying off your feet and binge eating parts of pregnancy  (Binge Quotes) If you have binge eating disorder but no one worries or takes it seriously because you’re gaining weight and not losing it  (Binge Quotes) May the stress of your weight loss resolution not lead to relentless binge eating  (Binge Quotes)
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