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Binoculars Quotes

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Jewels and binoculars hang from the head of the mule  (Binoculars Quotes) I consider myself to have been the bridge between the shotgun and the binoculars in bird watching. Before I came along, the primary way to observe birds was to shoot them and stuff them  (Binoculars Quotes) A myth is the name of a terrible lie told by a smelly little brown person to a man in a white suit with a pair of binoculars  (Binoculars Quotes) They say asteroids hit the moon pretty often, which is how the moon gets its crater, but this one is going to be the biggest asteroid ever to hit it and on a clear night you should be able to see the impact when it happens, maybe even with the naked eye but certainly with binoculars. They made it sound pretty dramatic, but I still don’t think it’s worth three homework assignments  (Binoculars Quotes) I like people. I like watching them. It’s just that I’d prefer to do it from a mile away using very powerful binoculars  (Binoculars Quotes) I travel without barely any luggage. Just a second set of underwear and binoculars and a map and a toothbrush  (Binoculars Quotes) I wonder if it’s ethical to watch a man with binoculars and a long-focus lens? D’ya suppose it’s ethical even if you prove that he didn’t commit a crime? I’m not much on rear window ethics  (Binoculars Quotes) I never take pictures. Skies are much larger in reminiscences and my friends are much better-looking. Photos crop reality into little squares; instead, I have very good binoculars  (Binoculars Quotes) I spent money on a decent bike, a bit of kit for paddle boarding and I like bird watching so I bought a decent pair of binoculars but as far as bottles of Cristal champagne and Gucci loafers? No, blingy and showy stuff isn’t me.  (Binoculars Quotes) I was transformed by picking up a pair of binoculars and looking up, and that’s hard to do for a city kid because when you look up you just see buildings - and really, your first thought is to look in people’s windows. So to look out of the space - out of living space - and look up to the sky, binoculars go far, literally and figuratively.  (Binoculars Quotes)