Biology Quotes

Text Quotes
One of the ultimate challenges for biology is to understand the brain’s processing of unconscious and conscious perception, emotion, and empathy. (Biology Quotes)
The cosmos is three times as old as Earth. During most of creation’s 14 billion year history, our solar system wasn’t around. Nonetheless, the early universe still had the right stuff for life, and contained worlds that were just as suitable for spawning biology and intelligence as our own. (Biology Quotes)
Our increasing ability to alter our biology and open up the processes of life is now fueling a new cultural war. (Biology Quotes)
Biology makes us Mothers and Fathers, whats in the heart makes us Mom’s and Dad’s (Biology Quotes)
And the more profoundly the science of biology reveals the laws of the life and development of living bodies, the more effective is the science of agronomy. (Biology Quotes)
Science is beautiful when it makes simple explanations of phenomena or connections between different observations. Examples include the double helix in biology and the fundamental equations of physics. (Biology Quotes)
But while doing that I’d been following a variety of fields in science and technology, including the work in molecular biology, genetic engineering, and so forth. (Biology Quotes)
Nature is full of drama. I know nothing about biology, about birds, about insects, about the details of politics. I just make movies about human interest stories. (Biology Quotes)
To science we owe dramatic changes in our smug self-image. Astronomy taught us that our Earth is not the center of the universe, but merely one of nine planets circling one of billions of stars. From biology we learned that humans were not specially created by God but evolved along with tens of millions of other species. (Biology Quotes)
Seen in the light of evolution, biology is, perhaps, intellectually the most satisfying and inspiring science. Without that light it becomes a pile of sundry facts -- some of them interesting or curious but making no meaningful picture as a whole. (Biology Quotes)
As a child, I remember my own intensive interest in biology, birds, other animals and flowers and was determined at an early age to become a scientist. (Biology Quotes)
There was little in my early life to indicate that an interest in biology would become the passion of my academic career. In fact, there was little to suggest I would have an academic career. (Biology Quotes)
A renaissance in cellular biology has recently revealed the molecular mechanisms by which thoughts and perceptions directly influence gene activity and cell behavior...Energy psychology, through its ability to rapidly identify and reprogram limiting misconceptions, represents the most powerful and effective process to enhance physical and emotional well being. (Biology Quotes)
The termination is not based on innocence or guilt, but on biology. The sociopath personality is fraudulent. They are impostors within the human species. Killing a sociopath is equivalent to killing God. Neither exists in reality. They are empty shells of imagination, said Chiron (Biology Quotes)
Mood reflects the biology of the brain. How you feel is affected by the chemicals in the brain, and these are the same chemicals that form the basis of mood-altering drugs. You may use yoga, meditation, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) or exercise to alter your mood, or revert to healthy eating, regular exercise and getting enough sleep. (Biology Quotes)
What an odd time to be a fundamentalist about adaptation and natural selection - when each major subdiscipline of evolutionary biology has been discovering other mechanisms as adjuncts to selection’s centrality. (Biology Quotes)
In a high tech world the cure for the tragic shortcomings and perilous fallacies of human intuition is education, but education in economics, evolutionary biology, probability and statistics - unfortunately most High School and College curricula have barely changed since Medieval times! (Biology Quotes)
I disagree with those who argue that evolutionary biology and the existence of God are incompatible. (Biology Quotes)
The thing that upsets me is the ubiquitous use of reward technology, which uses our evolutionary biology against us. (Biology Quotes)
I don’t endorse deism or interventionist theism. My point is just that evolutionary biology is logically compatible with the former and with some versions of the latter. (Biology Quotes)
Tiger is a natural kind and Tiger is a historical particular are incompatible with each other, and evolutionary biology provides a reason for favoring the latter over the former. (Biology Quotes)
This is not to deny that there are versions of theism that do conflict with evolutionary biology. Young Earth Creationism is an example; it claims that God created life on earth within the past 10,000 to 50,000 years. But other types of theism are different. (Biology Quotes)
Philosophers of biology generally recognize that evolutionary fitness (roughly, an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce in its environment) is multiply realizable. (Biology Quotes)
Evolution makes biology make sense. And if you don’t teach your students the evolutionary core of biology, you’re making it harder for them. (Biology Quotes)
I decided that the University of Sussex in Brighton was a good place for this work because it had a strong tradition in bacterial molecular genetics and an excellent reputation in biology. (Biology Quotes)
It’s roughly the case that if systems become too complex to study in sufficient depth, physics hands them over to chemistry, then to biology, then experimental psychology, and finally on to history. Roughly. These are tendencies, and they tend to distinguish roughly between hard and soft sciences. (Biology Quotes)
I have never been a fan of science fiction. For me, fiction has to explore the combinatorial possibilities of people interacting under the constraints imposed by our biology and history. When an author is free to suspend the constraints, it’s tennis without a net. (Biology Quotes)
I’ve always been interested in science - one of my favourite books is James Watson’s ‘Molecular Biology of the Gene.’ (Biology Quotes)
The advent of AIDS circa 1980 has really forced medicine and biology to take enormous steps just for sheer survival. The same way war propels hard technology, AIDS has created wartime conditions in the field of biology that will have all sorts of spin-offs. (Biology Quotes)
Right now, oil is being isolated around the globe, and there is a major effort in shipping, trucking and otherwise transporting that oil around to a very finite number of refineries. Biology allows us to make these same fuels in a much more distributed fashion. (Biology Quotes)