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Birdsong Quotes

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I woke early like a condemned man to the naivety of birdsong  (Birdsong Quotes) Better a sparrow, living or dead, than no birdsong at all  (Birdsong Quotes) Silent Summer - a never-ending heat wave, devoid of birdsong, insect hum, and all the weird and wonderful living noises that subconsciously keep us company.  (Birdsong Quotes) True solitude is a din of birdsong, seething leaves, whirling colors, or a clamor of tracks in the snow  (Birdsong Quotes) Bring awareness to the many subtle sounds of nature - The rustling of leaves in the wind, Raindrops falling, The humming of an insect, The first birdsong at dawn.  (Birdsong Quotes) The Smile won Matthew extra time before bed, extra Christmas pudding, extra anything he wanted. Adults were helpless to resist The Smile.Matthew gave his all to this particular smile. Butter melted. Birds sang. People slipped about dazed amid the butter and birdsong.  (Birdsong Quotes) Because the birdsong might be pretty,But it’s not for you they sing,And if you think my winter is too cold,You don’t deserve my spring.  (Birdsong Quotes) Romance blossomed over a carrier bag full of mackerel. It wasn’t exactly how I imagined it would happen; there were no sunsets, or butterflies, or birdsong, just some smelly dead fish and a slimy carrier bag.  (Birdsong Quotes) The crack of the bat, the sound of baseballs thumping into gloves, the infield chatter are like birdsong to the baseball starved.  (Birdsong Quotes) One of the beauties of working in radio is the way a whole setting can be richly evoked simply by the addition to the track of a little birdsong and a church bell in the distance  (Birdsong Quotes) I dream of land, cut only where streams glistened with birdsong wander through quiet hills burnt hard by the scrape of wind, and of a porch from which a single road leads only homeward  (Birdsong Quotes) The crack of the bat, the sound of baseballs thumping into gloves, the infield chatter are like birdsong to the baseball starved  (Birdsong Quotes) It’s more eerie to be alone in a city that’s lit up and functioning than one that’s a tomb. If everything were silent, one could almost pretend to be in nature. A forest. A meadow. Crickets and birdsong. But the corpse of civilization is as restless as the creatures that now roam the graveyards  (Birdsong Quotes) ... there was a blond misty boy sitting beside me, and he looked at me, and I at him, and we were not strangers: our hands moved towards each other to embrace. I never heard his voice, for we did not speak; it is a shame, I should so like the memory of it. Loneliness, like fever, thrives on night, but there with him light broke, breaking in the trees like birdsong, and when sunrise came, he loosened his fingers from mine, and walked away, that misty boy, my friend  (Birdsong Quotes) A birdsong can even, for a moment, make the whole world into a sky within us, because we feel that the bird does not distinguish between its heart and the world’s  (Birdsong Quotes) Birdsong brings relief to my longing. I am just as ecstatic as they are, but with nothing to say  (Birdsong Quotes) My sudden, unforeseen capitulation had knocked me backward, and I had nothing to hold on to. My internal weather was eerily calm, as if in a tornado’s aftermath, birdsong, sunshine, supersaturated colors, wreckage all around, and myself, dazed and limping  (Birdsong Quotes)