Birth Quotes

Text Quotes
Twixt devil and deep sea, man hacks his caves; Birth, death; one, many; what is true, and seems; Earth’s vast hot iron, cold space’s empty waves (Birth Quotes)
If you have fathered a child, if you have given birth, if sex is a source of healthy pleasure, thank your pelvis and your reproductive organs for allowing you to feel the creative rhythms of life (Birth Quotes)
Creativity can never be explained by appeal to reason alone. Like the birth of a child, creativity compels us not to explanation but to wonder and awe (Birth Quotes)
Life appears in a vast variety and innumerable succession of individual forms, since the most salient character of the universe is just that it ceaselessly gives birth to living individuals (Birth Quotes)
Every moment gives birth to the next moment and influences it. Getting out of that chain of perpetual being is getting off the wheel of birth and death. That is enlightenment (Birth Quotes)
I should like to abolish funerals; the time to mourn a person is at his birth, not his death (Birth Quotes)
A surfer is poised on a wave on his board, cutting quickly to the left. He’ll always be there, in that moment. He’s never left it. He had no birth, he didn’t go to school, he didn’t purchase the board; none of those things ever were (Birth Quotes)
At the time of birth an ordering takes place. The awarenesses come together; they become specific until a person dies. At that point all those awarenesses, all that you have ever been or will ever be, go back again, into the great unknown (Birth Quotes)
Every time women make tremendous strides, the right wing gets terrified and creates laws making it hard to get an abortion or birth control (Birth Quotes)
I was born on the kitchen table. We were so poor my mother couldn’t afford to have me; the lady next door gave birth to me (Birth Quotes)
Magic has often been thought of us the art of making dreams come true; the art of realizing visions. Yet before we can bring birth to the vision we have to see it (Birth Quotes)
We can become anything. That is why injustice is impossible here. There may be the accident of birth, there is no accident of death. Nothing forces us to remain what we were (Birth Quotes)
It is a strong proof of men knowing most things before birth, that when mere children they grasp innumerable facts with such speed as to show that they are not then taking them in for the first time, but are remembering and recalling them (Birth Quotes)
Childbirth being one’s most significant life passage, those close to us when we open to birth a baby will never be forgotten (Birth Quotes)
No other health disparity is so stark; virtually every woman who dies giving birth lives in a poor country (Birth Quotes)
When a woman gives birth, two are born: a baby from the womb of its mother and a woman from the womb of her former existence (Birth Quotes)
Stories twist and turn and grow and meet and give birth to other stories. Here and there, one story touches another, and a familiar character, sometimes the hero, walks over the bridge from one story into another (Birth Quotes)
The sun, the hero of every day, the impersonal old man that beams as brightly on death as on birth, came up every morning (Birth Quotes)
The lioness giveth birth to cubs which remain three days without life. Then cometh the lion, breatheth upon them, and bringeth them to life (Birth Quotes)
From contact comes feeling. From feeling comes reaction. This is what keeps us in the cycle of birth and death. Our reactions to our feelings are our passport to rebirth (Birth Quotes)
If we can genuinely honor our mother and father we are not only at peace with ourselves but we can then give birth to our future (Birth Quotes)
... we are each shaped from our birth, not only by the blood and inheritance that lies behind us, but also by those we love and by whom we are loved in turn, by the knowledge given to our thirsty minds, to the learning of ourselves (Birth Quotes)
If you search the bible, you will find no reference to birth control or gay marriage, and you will not find a word, strangely, about stem cell research. I have searched (Birth Quotes)
Piety sometimes gives birth to scruples, and faith to superstition, when they are not directed by wisdom and knowledge (Birth Quotes)
When one begins the transformative process, death and birth are imminent: the death of custom as authority, the birth of the self (Birth Quotes)
For no matter what learned scientists may say, race is, politically speaking, not the beginning of humanity but its end, not the origin of peoples but their decay, not the natural birth of man but his unnatural death (Birth Quotes)
In theory we are all equal before the law. In practice, there are overwhelming privileges that come with winning the birth lottery (Birth Quotes)
Some of the best indicators of a country developing along the right lines are healthy mothers giving birth to healthy children who are assured of good care and a sound education that will enable them to face the challenges of a changing world (Birth Quotes)
Even more than the time when she gave birth, a mother feels her greatest joy when she hears others refer to her son as a wise learned one (Birth Quotes)
My views on birth control are somewhat distorted by the fact that I was seventh of nine children (Birth Quotes)