Birth Quotes

Text Quotes
Truly, I am a woman of the last minute. When I was pregnant, I organised three different hospitals because I couldn’t decide where I wanted to have my baby: London, Rome or Paris. In the end, I decided to go to Rome, arrived on the Monday and gave birth on the Saturday. (Birth Quotes)
It is not only that we want to bring about an easy labor, without risking injury to the mother or the child; we must go further. We must understand that childbirth is fundamentally a spiritual, as well as a physical, achievement. . . The birth of a child is the ultimate perfection of human love. (Birth Quotes)
The images I like best are parts of series that I’ve started, in some cases, with the pregnancies of the mothers of the children in question, and I continue that series right on through the birth of children to the child that resulted from that first pregnancy. (Birth Quotes)
Remember that a woman who has given birth to a dead child has given birth and is recovering physically, too. Don’t be afraid of grieving parents. (Birth Quotes)
When a child is born, the exact moment it draws its first breath should be noted, as that moment, and not the time of delivery, is the time of birth from the astrologer’s point of view. (Birth Quotes)
When a woman gives birth to a child, the child needs to be able to digest the mother’s milk; but when this child is old enough to begin to eat other foods, there is some switching off of this ability to consume milk. (Birth Quotes)
For a southern belle, my grandmother was remarkably modern. She threw my grandfather out, for one thing - some kind of argument about bourbon whiskey - shortly after the birth of their third child, and then went back to school to get herself a teaching certificate. (Birth Quotes)
Yes, population is a huge problem - birth rates are too high. And in order to take care of the environment, we have to make sure that every child that comes here, that arrives, knows that he or she is welcome, is going to be cared for and honored. (Birth Quotes)
I think some women try to make you feel you’re not all female because you haven’t given birth. There are a lot of prejudices. Some women think women who have animals are deeply sad, because what they really want is a child. Mind you, there’s probably an element of truth in that. (Birth Quotes)
We inherit every one of our genes, but we leave the womb without a single microbe. As we pass through our mother’s birth canal, we begin to attract entire colonies of bacteria. By the time a child can crawl, he has been blanketed by an enormous, unseen cloud of microorganisms - a hundred trillion or more. (Birth Quotes)
(Cartoon caption:) I never really rallied after the birth of my first child (Birth Quotes)
When you birth a child, it’s like a bloody giving of self to the creation of a life (Birth Quotes)
In Taiwan there’s a saying: Raising a child is more important than giving birth. Raising a child is greater. (Birth Quotes)
I just wasn’t one of those girls who dreamt of her wedding day and the birth of her first child. (Birth Quotes)
Ordering a man to write a poem is like commanding a pregnant woman to give birth to a red-haired child. (Birth Quotes)
[The Americans] believe in the idea that a child shouldn’t be consigned to poverty just because of circumstances of their birth. (Birth Quotes)
Laughing like crazythe child goes back to the citygives birth to monsterscreates earthquakeshairy women run nakedold folks who look like fetuses laugh and smoke. (Birth Quotes)
It was easy to run around barefoot in oblivion in Costa Rica. But once I gave birth to my child, I didn’t want to be oblivious to the obvious. (Birth Quotes)
You wouldn’t tolerate an underperforming surgeon in an operating theatre, or a underperforming midwife at your child’s birth. Why is it that we tolerate underperforming teachers in the classroom? (Birth Quotes)
The first moment I saw my wife breastfeed our daughter minutes after birth, I was hit with a thunderbolt of understanding and awe for the miracle of it all, and I still feel that way. (Birth Quotes)
The main cause of my difficulties stemmed from the tragedy of my daughter’s unsound birth and my inability to face my feelings. (Birth Quotes)
As ecstatic as I was at the birth of my daughter, I felt selfish bringing her, and later my son, into our screwed-up world. (Birth Quotes)
Someone once told me that when you give birth to a daughter, you’ve just met the person whose hand you’ll be holding the day you die. (Birth Quotes)
I have had someone wonderful things happen to me during my career and lifetime. Of course, personally, the birth of my daughter is the highlight of my life. (Birth Quotes)
Our touchstones of slavery are ‘Song of the South,’ ‘Gone With the Wind’ and ‘The Birth of a Nation.’ It’s hard to separate the cinematic quality from the underlying themes. I appreciate the films, but the message was repugnant. (Birth Quotes)
That we we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain - that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. (Birth Quotes)
In ‘Birth,’ I explore the nature of the new world we are approaching with my business-spiritual model, a new model for a new world. This view will enable individuals, companies and even nations to move from collapse to positive change, and bring together the spiritual and the material, giving birth to a new future. (Birth Quotes)
Ah, woman. She is an enigma. An anomaly of perfection and irony. She can lure angels into her arms and give birth to a nation of ideologies. (Birth Quotes)
We need to change the focus from celebrating sales at the mall to celebrating the significance of President Washington’s birth to the birth of our nation. (Birth Quotes)
I wrote ‘Mistress of Spices’ at an unusual time when I had a near-death experience after the birth of my second son. (Birth Quotes)