Bitterness Quotes

Text Quotes
Hatred and bitterness and anger only consume the vessel that contains them. It doesn’t hurt another soul (Bitterness Quotes)
Emotions can create problems that do not exist. It’s fine to be justifiably angry. But, it’s not okay to let that anger fester long enough to become bitterness (Bitterness Quotes)
One drop of the sweetness of heaven is enough to take away all the sourness and bitterness of all the afflictions in the world (Bitterness Quotes)
You have to deduce a person’s real feelings about a thing by a smile she does not know is on her face, by the way bitterness tightens muscles at a mouth’s corner, or the way air is allowed to flow from the lungs (Bitterness Quotes)
Feminazis have adopted abortion as a kind of sacrament for their religion/politics of alienation and bitterness (Bitterness Quotes)
I don’t recognize hate, I don’t recognize bitterness, I don’t recognize jealousy, I don’t recognize greed. I don’t give them power. They don’t exist to me (Bitterness Quotes)
In my view the time for rousing revolutionary literature has passed, because the revolution has already revolutionised itself to death and has left behind only bitterness and a sort of weariness, listlessness and even nausea (Bitterness Quotes)
Dogmas of every kind put assertion in the place of reason and give rise to more contention, bitterness, and want of charity than any other influence in human affairs (Bitterness Quotes)
Indeed, I thought, slipping the silver into my purse, it is remarkable, remembering the bitterness of those days, what a change of temper a fixed income will bring about (Bitterness Quotes)
Recording happiness made it last longer, we felt, and recording sorrow dramatized it and took away its bitterness; and often we settled some problem which beset us even while we wrote about it (Bitterness Quotes)
The rich landlord is he who collects with sternness, who accepts no excuse, and will have his own. There are moments of irritation and of real bitterness against him, but there is still admiration, because he is rich and successful (Bitterness Quotes)
There should be an end to the bitterness of feeling which has arisen between the sexes in this century (Bitterness Quotes)
I have loved and bitterness left me for that hour. But there are times when love itself is bitter (Bitterness Quotes)
There isn’t a thing to eat down there in the rabbit hole of your bitterness except your own desperate heart (Bitterness Quotes)
Every experience, however bitter, has its lesson, and to focus one’s attention on the lesson helps one overcome the bitterness (Bitterness Quotes)
Ridicule may be the evidence of with or bitterness and may gratify a little mind, or an ungenerous temper, but it is no test of reason or truth (Bitterness Quotes)
It is impossible to go as high as you are capable of going, if you are carrying the burden of hate, revenge and bitterness (Bitterness Quotes)
It’s not the suffering of birth, death, love that the young reject, but the suffering of endless labor without dream, eating the spare bread in bitterness, being a slave without the security of a slave (Bitterness Quotes)
Words can be said in bitterness and anger, and often there seems to be an element of truth in the nastiness. And words don’t go away, they just echo around (Bitterness Quotes)
Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it. Bitterness paralyzes life; love empowers it. Bitterness sours life; love sweetens it. Bitterness sickens life; love heals it. Bitterness blinds life; love anoints its eyes (Bitterness Quotes)
If failure has the strength to turn your life into bitterness itself, then patience has the strength to turn your life into the sweetest joy. Do not surrender to fate after a single failure. Failure, at most, precedes success (Bitterness Quotes)
The world was reduced to the surface of her skin and her inner self was safe from all bitterness (Bitterness Quotes)
The first pressure of sorrow crushes out from our hearts the best wine; afterwards the constant weight of it brings forth bitterness, the taste and stain from the lees of the vat (Bitterness Quotes)
He did not mean to depress us, rather to free us from expectations which inspire bitterness. It is consoling, when love has let us down, to hear that happiness was never part of the plan (Bitterness Quotes)
Friendship is one of the sweetest joys of life. Many might have failed beneath the bitterness of their trial had they not found a friend (Bitterness Quotes)
Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place (Bitterness Quotes)
We need the compassion and the courage to change the conditions that support our suffering. Those conditions are things like ignorance, bitterness, negligence, clinging, and holding on (Bitterness Quotes)
Life cheats us with shadows. We ask it for pleasure. It gives it to us with bitterness and disappointment in its train (Bitterness Quotes)
And there, in that phrase, the bitterness leaks again out of my pen. What a dull lifeless quality this bitterness is. If I could I would write with love, but if I could write with love I would be another man; I would never have lost love (Bitterness Quotes)
Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred (Bitterness Quotes)