BKS Iyengar Quotes

Text Quotes
Firmness in the body leads to firmness in the nervous system (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Training of the mind and body leads to awareness of the soul (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
After a session of yoga, the mind becomes tranquil and passive (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
The body is my temple, asanas are my prayers (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
To master fear is the most important battle to win (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Purity is when there is no anxiety, no worry, no thinking (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Activity and passivity must go together in asanas (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
To be dull is easy, to be active requires tremendous work (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
What I was is unimportant, what I am now is important (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Balance in the body is the foundation for balance in life (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
If you have the right mind, your body can do anything (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Do not live in the future, only the present is real (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Asanas keep your body, as well as your mind, healthy and active (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Nothing is achieved by a mind that doubts (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
All games are meaningless if you do not know the rules (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
We have two physical eyes, but every pore of the body is also an eye (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
If everyone practiced yoga, pharmacies would have to close (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
It is never too late in life to practice yoga (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
When the mind is controlled and still what remains is the soul (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Life without tapas, is like a heart without love (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
In each pose there should be repose (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Where there is yoga, there is prosperity, success, freedom and bliss (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
A good teacher helps you explore the maximum (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
If you keep your armpits open, you won’t get depressed (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Freedom in a posture is when every joint is active (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Yoga releases the creative potential in life (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Yoga is when every cell of the body sings the song of the soul (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Action is movement with intelligence (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
We need sound bodies so we can develop sound minds (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
The aim of yoga is to calm the chaos of conflicting impulses (BKS Iyengar Quotes)