BKS Iyengar Quotes

Text Quotes
The body has to be invaded by the intelligence; each part has to become intelligent (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Yoga is effort. Only practice is important. The rest of knowledge is only theory (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter the flame (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Ignorance has no beginning, but it has an end. There is a beginning but no end to knowledge (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Do not aim low, you will miss the mark. Aim high and you will be on a threshold of bliss (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
As breath stills our mind, our energies are free to unhook from the senses and bend inward (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
All of us have a dormant spark of divinity in us which has to be fanned into flame by yoga (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
We often fool ourselves that we are concentrating because we fix our attention on wavering objects (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
We are a little piece of continual change, looking at an infinite quantity of continual change (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Yoga allows you to find a new kind of freedom that you may not have known even existed (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Focus on keeping your spine straight. It is the job of the spine to keep the brain alert (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
When you see a mistake in somebody else, try to find if you are making the same mistake (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
During inhalation, the breath should move exactly like the clouds which are spreading in the sky (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
The mind is the king of the senses, and the breath is the king of the mind (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Your whole being should be symmetrical. Yoga is symmetry. That is why yoga is a basic art (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
A yogi’s brain extends from the bottom of the foot to the top of his head (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
I planted the seed, now you must work a lot otherwise the tiny plant will die (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Regular practise of yoga can help you face the turmoil of life with steadiness and stability (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Health is not a commodity to be bargained for. It has to be earned through sweat (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
This practice of yoga is to remove the weeds from the body so that the garden can grow (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Asana done from the brain makes one heavy and done from the heart makes one light (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Why think of liberation at some future time? Liberation is in the little things, here and now (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
I think many of my students have followed the advice I gave years ago, to give more than you take (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
Yoga has to be done with the intellect of the head as well as the intellect of the heart (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
A stable mind is like the hub of a wheel. The world may spin around you, but the mind is steady (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
It is not yoga that injures, but the way one does yoga that leads to injury (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
People remind me of my age, but while practicing I am beyond my body and its age (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
The body is the prop for the soul. So why not let the body be propped by a wall or a block? (BKS Iyengar Quotes)
The back is like a frame, the front body, the painting that it throws into relief (BKS Iyengar Quotes)