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Black Quotes

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Yeah, I did see where the people dissing me were coming from. But, it's like, anything that happened in the past between black and white, I can't really speak on it, because I wasn't there. I don't feel like me being born the color I am makes me any less of a person  (Black Quotes) I realize that I'm black, but I like to be viewed as a person, and this is everybody's wish  (Black Quotes) I decorated my house like a medieval Gothic castle, European style. Chandeliers and red velvet curtains. My bedroom is pink and black, my bathroom is totally Hello Kitty, I have a massive pink couch and a big antique gold cross  (Black Quotes) And I really hope no white person ever has cause to write about me because they never understand black love is black wealth and they'll probably talk about my hard childhood and never understand that all the while I was quite happy  (Black Quotes) A white face goes with a white mind. Occasionally a black face goes with a white mind. Very seldom a white face will have a black mind  (Black Quotes) We black women are the single group in the West intact. and anybody can see we're pretty shaky. We are, however (all praises), the only group that derives it's identity from itself  (Black Quotes) Who better to command the black cloaks than a man who once commanded the gold cloaks, sire? Any of you, I would think. Even the cook  (Black Quotes) All the other books ask, 'What's it like?' What was World War II like for the young kid at Normandy, or what is work like for a woman having a job for the first time in her life? What's it like to be black or white?  (Black Quotes) Relations between black and white would be greatly improved if we were more accepting of our fears and our feelings and more vocal about it  (Black Quotes) I always think I should get on it if I want to have kids. Because once you hit thirty it can be difficult to conceive - it can be dangerous. The best time to conceive is when you're a black teenager  (Black Quotes) The West is dying. Its nations have ceased to reproduce, and their populations have stopped growing and begun to shrink. Not since the Black Death carried off a third of Europe in the fourteenth century has there been a graver threat to the survival of Western civilization  (Black Quotes) It's a struggle for every young black man. You know how it is, only God can judge us  (Black Quotes) We are what we were at birth, and each trait has remained in conformity with Earth's and with heaven's logic: Be the devil's tool, resort to black magic, None can diverge from the ends which Heaven foreordained  (Black Quotes) Long for me as I for you, forgetting, what will be inevitable, the long black aftermath of pain  (Black Quotes) I hate the way they portray us in the media. If you see a black family it says they're looting, if you see a white family it says they're looking for food  (Black Quotes) What we hope to achieve is a society that doesn't value a white man because he's a white man, but also doesn't value a woman because she's a woman, or a black because he's a black  (Black Quotes) The fact that we elected Obama was a sign that the black struggle inherent in the blues and so much of the music I have loved can triumph  (Black Quotes) The silver and black may have another home, but the Raiders will always belong to the people of Los Angeles  (Black Quotes) Well of course there's been a great deal of progress over the last 40 years. We don't have laws that segregate black people within the society any longer  (Black Quotes) Black seems to make a colour cloudy, but darkness doesn't. A ruby could thus keep getting darker without ever becoming cloudy; but if it became blackish red, it would become cloudy  (Black Quotes) A lot of times black folks look for love in all the wrong places. You're always looking for somebody to love you, be accepted, and there's the insecurities that are even transmitted through rap. Everyone is trying to aim to please too much  (Black Quotes) I did it to myself. It wasn't society. It wasn't a pusher, it wasn't being blind or being black or being poor. It was all my doing  (Black Quotes) Chanel is composed of only a few elements, white camellias, quilted bags and Austrian doorman's jackets, pearls, chains, shoes with black toes. I use these elements like notes to play with  (Black Quotes) Shall we go throw away our coats of steel, and wrap our bodies in black mourning gowns, numb'ring our Ave Marias with our beads? Or shall we on the helmets of our foes tell our devotion with revengeful arms  (Black Quotes) Look, the world's comforter, with weary gait, his day's hot task hath ended in the west: the owl, night's herald, shrieks - 'tis very late; the sheep are gone to fold, birds to their nest; and coat - black clouds, that shadow heaven's light, do summon us to part, and bid good night  (Black Quotes) There's no Chanel collection without black. (It) will never exist. Who can live without some black clothes  (Black Quotes) I am a black diamond, unfaceted. Black diamonds are rare, hard to cut, and therefore uncommercial  (Black Quotes) Jews, black people - any people who are hated or who have suffered, either as individuals or as a people - use humour. It is a survival skill  (Black Quotes) Living is strife and torment, disappointment and love and sacrifice, golden sunsets and black storms. I said that some time ago, and today I do not think I would add one word  (Black Quotes) What's the difference between dragging a black man behind a truck in Jasper, Texas, and beating a white boy to death in Wyoming because he's gay?  (Black Quotes)
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