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Black Quotes

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I was literally the black sheep of the family, and there were definitely moments of discomfort while my grandmother was working through her racism  (Black Quotes) Let’s say black, the whole black religious experience, here, is very impressive to me, because when I first arrived I realized that people carry their faith with so much pride  (Black Quotes) My mother, brave woman, lost her whole family when she decided to marry a black man in the 60s. When the marriage fell apart, she had to come back to her family  (Black Quotes) So now I feel I’m lucky in the respect that I can sort of pick a little more carefully, which is tricky because as a black actress, there aren’t that many roles to pick from  (Black Quotes) The cool wind blew in my face and all at once I felt as if I had shed dullness from myself. Before me lay a long gray line with a black mark down the center. The birds were singing. It was spring  (Black Quotes) There’s one more thing I want to say. It’s a touchy subject. Black beauty. Black sensuality. We live in a culture where the beauty of black people isn’t always as celebrated as other types. I’d like to help change that if I can!  (Black Quotes) We are not inferring design to account for a black box, but to account for an open box  (Black Quotes) I believe that when it comes to major foreign policy issues, many prefer to have black people seen and not heard  (Black Quotes) We could play them through the week, and then the weekend we could play the black joints. I learned to be very versatile and learned to love it. So it stays with me even up to now  (Black Quotes) I believe very strongly that when it comes to desire, when it comes to attraction, that things are never black and white, things are very much shades of grey  (Black Quotes) I think it talks about the fact that there are black people in the world who have tremendous amount of talents and have no channel through which they can those talents  (Black Quotes) Within three months I had gone from being this black sheep of the town to suddenly becoming a pop star  (Black Quotes) I’m hoping someday that some kid, black or white, will hit more home runs than myself. Whoever it is, I’d be pulling for him  (Black Quotes) Which is probably the reason why I work exclusively in black and white... to highlight that contrast  (Black Quotes) Evolutionary cosmology formulates theories in which a universe is capable of giving rise to and generating future universes out of itself, within black holes or whatever  (Black Quotes) Any effects created before 1975 were done with either tape or echo chambers or some kind of acoustic treatment. No magic black boxes!  (Black Quotes) The way I was brought up by my parents and guided through my football life by the influences of various managers means that in some ways I am black and white  (Black Quotes) I’m for human lib, the liberation of all people, not just black people or female people or gay people  (Black Quotes) The black groups that boycott certain films would do better to get the money together to make the films they want to see, or stay in church and leave us to our work  (Black Quotes) It will take very sophisticated marketing to achieve our aim of bringing more black people into the theater  (Black Quotes) A racially integrated community is a chronological term timed from the entrance of the first black family to the exit of the last white family  (Black Quotes) Light is meaningful only in relation to darkness, and truth presupposes error. It is these mingled opposites which people our life, which make it pungent, intoxicating. We only exist in terms of this conflict, in the zone where black and white clash  (Black Quotes) Illegal immigrants are beginning to comprise a black market class of workers in our society, jeopardizing the financial health of companies which play by the rules, while themselves vulnerable to the exploitation by those willing to take advantage of their illegal status  (Black Quotes) Monofilament is what you use to go fishing. The line on your fishing rod is probably going to be black. You get to the end of the line and you tie on this clear plastic, thin thread called monofilament  (Black Quotes) If I go into a club now, all the blonde girls leave my corner and all the black girls come into my corner. It’s as if I’m racist towards white girls!  (Black Quotes) I made my way on to a grey list, a black list even. That’s something I’m very proud of, actually  (Black Quotes) I’m a sucker for good black skirts and pretty little shirts and kooky tops. I have to admit that shopping satisfies my craving for immediate gratification  (Black Quotes) Merely by describing yourself as black you have started on a road towards emancipation, you have committed yourself to fight against all forces that seek to use your blackness as a stamp that marks you out as a subservient being  (Black Quotes) Black music has increased my enjoyment of what I do. It has increased my range, my ability to reach into myself and accept myself  (Black Quotes) In writing biography, fact and fiction shouldn’t be mixed. And if they are, the fictional points should be printed in red ink, the facts printed in black ink  (Black Quotes)
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