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Black Quotes

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The greatest untapped reservoir of raw material in the history of our game is the black race  (Black Quotes) Everything was black in the harbor, but there were still some fires burning on the ships  (Black Quotes) Too many people, because they were white and poor, black and rich, or just plain busy with something other than politics, have felt they had no voice in our government  (Black Quotes) When you’re the victim of the behavior, it’s black and white; when you’re the perpetrator, there are a million shades of gray  (Black Quotes) If you could equate the amount of time and effort put in mentally and physically into succeeding on the baseball field and measured it by the dirt on your uniform, mine would have been black  (Black Quotes) Life isn’t black and white. It’s a million gray areas, don’t you find?  (Black Quotes) The first point was we wanted power to determine our own destiny in our own black community. And what we had done is, we wanted to write a program that was straightforward to the people. We didn’t want to give a long dissertation  (Black Quotes) They that are against superstition oftentimes run into it of the wrong side. If I wear all colors but black, then I am superstitious in not wearing black  (Black Quotes) We’re not willing to give black leaders second chances because, in most cases, we’re not willing to give them first chances  (Black Quotes) It was night and I could see a large and calm lake, reflecting the moon. Black mountains rose around it. I arrived from between two of these mountains, I looked at the lake and the moon, and that was it, nothing else happened  (Black Quotes) I think the rich are too rich and the poor are too poor. I don’t think the black people are going to rise at all; I think most of them are going to die  (Black Quotes) To most white people, jazz means black and jazz means dirt, and that’s not what I play. I play black classical music  (Black Quotes) When I was studying... there weren’t any black concert pianists. My choices were intuitive, and I had the technique to do it. People have heard my music and heard the classic in it, so I have become known as a black classical pianist  (Black Quotes) Kids are our future, and we hope baseball has given them some idea of what it is to live together and how we can get along, whether you be black or white  (Black Quotes) In the black culture, certain kids are given nicknames that they roll with forever; the nicknames outweigh their real names. I’m one of those scenarios  (Black Quotes) That’s how we do it in the black community; we give back to the people who made us who we are. We never forget that  (Black Quotes) Just telling a story. That’s cinema. It’s not silent, black and white. It’s a simple story that’s well made  (Black Quotes) Black people should have recognition for themselves and their backgrounds and their relationships with other people in the world and thus lose some of their alienation. This museum has certainly stood for that in this town  (Black Quotes) I can remember being in my pram: children stayed in their prams much longer then than they do now. A big bouncy pram with black covers and a hood with metal clips that could trap your fingers. I was looking up at my sister who was sitting on the pram seat, with her back to me  (Black Quotes) You can’t be what you don’t see. I didn’t think about being a doctor. I didn’t even think about being a clerk in a store, I’d never seen a black clerk in a clothing store  (Black Quotes) It is hard for a black man to just be himself. We spend so much time in defense of something that is indefensible because there is nothing to defend  (Black Quotes) Sometimes I wonder if I got lulled into not wanting things because I grew up black in this country  (Black Quotes) Speaking as a black person, welfare is the worst thing that’s ever happened to us  (Black Quotes) Could it be that my circle is largely black and that it is why I am influential in black circles but not in white circles?  (Black Quotes) When you are on stage you don’t see faces. The lights are in your eyes and you see just this black void out in front of you. And yet you know there is life out there, and you have to get your message across  (Black Quotes) And I’d be lying if I told you that as a black man in baseball I hadn’t gone through worse times than my teammates  (Black Quotes) I was told by the general manager that a white player had received a higher raise than me. Because white people required more money to live than black people. That is why I wasn’t going to get a raise  (Black Quotes) I’ll also say, yes, I think the change in black consciuosness in recent years has made me more sensitive to injustice in every area of my life  (Black Quotes) When they kept you out it was because you were black; when they let you in, it is because you are black. That’s progress?  (Black Quotes) It’s a dumb question, because I don’t look at things as a black director, just as a director, so ask me as a director first and we can segue into the colour thing later  (Black Quotes)
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