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Black Quotes

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She grew more and more silent about what really mattered. She curled inside herself like one of those black chimney brushes, the little shellfish you see on the beach, and you touch them, and then go inside and don’t come out  (Black Quotes) In the presence of real tragedy you feel neither pain nor joy nor hatred, only a sense of enormous space and time suspended, the great doors open to black eternity, the rising across the terrible field of that last enormous, unanswerable question  (Black Quotes) The world rushes through us. We are peaceful. We are as deep and black as space. Staring up at the stars, we see only our own image reflected back at us. We are infinite and we are ravenous  (Black Quotes) Race doesn’t really exist for you because it has never been a barrier. Black folks don’t have that choice  (Black Quotes) Because she knows what it’s like to live in a world of black, and black, and the tiny bit of white, but when she escaped it, she didn’t find the rainbow of colors, the dresses, the singing, the dancing. She only found ugliness  (Black Quotes) The realization that he is white in a black country, and respected for it, is the turning point in the expatriate’s career. He can either forget it, or capitalize on it. Most choose the latter  (Black Quotes) When you hear my records today hear a vanilla sounding artist with no black inflection, although I was trying to imitate what I heard  (Black Quotes) To see things in black and white is to see the basics, and I would recommend to any designer of gardens that he go out and look at his work by the light of the moon  (Black Quotes) There are only two colors to paint a boat, black or white, and only a fool would paint a boat black  (Black Quotes) It’s about you. If you win, it’s you; if you lose, it’s you. Black and white. Nowhere to hide  (Black Quotes) I am not antiwhite, because I understand that white people, like black ones, are victims of a racist society. They are products of their time and place  (Black Quotes) Feminism is to sexism what black nationalism is to racism; the most rational response to the problem  (Black Quotes) We are not fighting for the right to be like you. We respect ourselves too much for that. When we advocate freedom, we mean freedom for us to be black, or brown, and you to be white, and yet live together in a free and equal society. This is the only way that integration can bring dignity for both of us  (Black Quotes) Any woman who has a great deal to offer the world is in trouble. And if she’s a black woman, seh’s in deep trouble  (Black Quotes) Black coffee must be strong and very hot; if strong coffee does not agree with you, do not drink black coffee. And if you do not drink black coffee, do not drink any coffee at all  (Black Quotes) For me war has become a flat, black depression without highlights, a revulsion of the mind and an exhaustion of the spirit  (Black Quotes) When you photograph people in color you photograph their clothes. When you photograph people in black and white, you photograph their soul!  (Black Quotes) Few of us will do the spectacular deeds of heroism that spread themselves across the pages of our newspapers in big black headlines. But we can all be heroic in the little things of everyday life. We can do the helpful things, say the kind words, meet our difficulties with courage and high hearts, stand up for the right when the cost is high, keep our word even though it means sacrifice, be a giver instead of a destroyer. Often this quiet, humble heroism is the greatest heroism of all  (Black Quotes) I thought it was all over. My lungs were filling with water and I began to black out. Then I saw an ancient warrior rise up out of the water. He said we’d make it, and we did. I believe we all have an angel watching us  (Black Quotes) When one studies strongly radioactive substances special precautions must be taken if one wishes to be able to take delicate measurements. The various objects used in a chemical laboratory and those used in a chemical laboratory, and those which serve for experiments in physics, become radioactive in a short time and act upon photographic plates through black paper. Dust, the air of the room, and one’s clothes all become radioactive  (Black Quotes) What a delight it is to think that you are quietly and philosophically at work in the pursuit of science... rather than fighting amongst the crowd of black passions and motives that seem now a days to urge men every where into action. What incredible scenes every where, what unworthy motives ruled for the moment, under high sounding phrases and at the last what disgusting revolutions  (Black Quotes) One very important difference between color and monochromatic photography is this: in black and white you suggest; in color you state. Much can be implied by suggestion, but statement demands certainty... absolute certainty  (Black Quotes) The world turned into a big black hole while my daughter was on the verge of life and death  (Black Quotes) We like things to be black or white, tall or short, here or there. We like to consider two sides to every story. Unfortunately, there aren’t always two sides. Sometimes there’s only one; more often, there are multitudes. Many facets on the stone. Nooks and crannies in abundance. Things are usually not either black or white, but multicolored  (Black Quotes) Black power got to moving so fast that we miscalculated the fallout. I certainly have to take some of the responsibility of that; but there was no way we anticipated the response  (Black Quotes) The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the late of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years  (Black Quotes) I can go all over the world with just three outfits: a blue blazer and gray flannel pants, a gray flannel suit, and black tie  (Black Quotes) I came across a photograph of him not long ago... his black face, the long snout sniffing at something in the air, his tail straight and pointing, his eyes flashing in some momentary excitement. Looking at a faded photograph taken more than forty years before, even as a grown man, I would admit I still missed him  (Black Quotes) The piano keys are black and white but they sound like a million colors in your mind  (Black Quotes) We pass the billboard and I console myself in two ways. First, I know that most photographs taken are a gamble at best. Second and more important: I remind myself to find the pleasure in this moment, a time in which the red sky passes to black, children create unanticipated rhymes, and the stars fall closer to earth  (Black Quotes)
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