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Black Quotes

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Flight out of the atmosphere is a simple thing to do and should have been available to the public twenty years ago. Ten years from now, we will have space tourism where you will be able to see the black sky and the curvature of the earth. It will be the most exciting roller coaster ride you can buy  (Black Quotes) There will be a new industry, and we are just now in the beginning. I will predict that in twelve or fifteen years there will be tens of thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of people, that fly and see that black sky  (Black Quotes) She has never messed up a single take yet. Recently I was in a scene and there was a table covered with a cloth. When the director said cut, I saw a black nose and two paws inching out from under the cloth. She had hidden there without making a sound until we were done with the scene. She wanted to be nearer to me  (Black Quotes) I have these huge black foam boards on the wall, and tacked to them, I have these white punch cards with my story ideas, scenes and notes  (Black Quotes) Some people never learn the art of compromise. Everything is either black or white. They do no recognize, or will not concede, that the equally important color gray is a mixture of black and white  (Black Quotes) My body is very different from most of the dancers I dance with. My hair is different than most I dance with. But I didn’t let that stop me. Black girls rock and can be ballerinas  (Black Quotes) O, blackberry tart, with berries as big as your thumb, purple and black, and thick with juice, and a crust to endear them that will go to cream in your mouth, and both passing down with such a taste that will make you close your eyes and wish you might live forever in the wideness of that rich moment  (Black Quotes) As a black actress you’ve got to work doubly hard. But it doesn’t ever get me to the point where I give up on myself. It just motivates me to be more prepared, focus and disciplined. That’s why I care so much about doing black films and making sure that we represent and are represented correctly  (Black Quotes) We were talking about urban youth. And by urban I mean lives in a city not urban as in black like white people use it  (Black Quotes) There’s something very important about films about black women and girls being made by black women. It’s a different perspective. It is a reflection as opposed to an interpretation, and I think we get a lot of interpretations about the lives of women that are not coming from women  (Black Quotes) I am the unarmed black kid who maybe needed a hand, but instead was given a bullet  (Black Quotes) I think that boxing is actually not as dangerous as the politics. In boxing, you’re gonna get a bloody nose or a black eye. In politics you can obviously get either dioxin in the food or bullet in the head  (Black Quotes) It is funny, but it strikes me that a person without anecdotes that they nurse while they live, and that survive them, are more likely to be utterly lost not only to history but the family following them. Of course this is the fate of most souls, reducing entire lives, no matter how vivid and wonderful, to those sad black names on withering family trees, with half a date dangling after and a question mark  (Black Quotes) A discordant mind, black with confusion and despair, would finish me off as thoroughly as the cold  (Black Quotes) Here, beside this great black surface that is my desk, I feel as though I am on a desert island  (Black Quotes) I think black people have to be in control of their own image because film is a powerful medium. We can’t just sit back and let other people define our existence  (Black Quotes) It is no accident that you are reading this. I am making black marks on white paper. These marks are my thoughts, and although I do not know who you are reading this... the lines of our lives have intersected. For the length of these few sentences, we meet here. It is no accident that you are reading this. This moment has been waiting for you, I have been waiting for you. Remember me  (Black Quotes) In the end, the only heritage we have is our planet, and I have decided to go to the most pristine places on the planet and photograph them in the most honest way I know, with my point of view, and of course it is in black and white, because it is the only thing I know how to do  (Black Quotes) The earth’s warmth under me, as I stretch out at night, is astonishing. It is like the warmth of another body that has absorbed the sun all day and now gives out again its store of heat. It is softer, darker than I could ever have believed, and when I take a handful of it and smell its extraordinary odors, I know suddenly what it is I am composed of, as if the energy that is in this fistful of black soil had suddenly opened, between my body and it, as between it and the green stalks, some corridor along which our common being flowed  (Black Quotes) It’s terrifying to think you can remember things you shouldn’t possibly be able to. It’s like that childhood fear of having your soul slip from your body in your sleep. The darkness, those black sheets of glass sliding over you, upping the pressure, pushing you through the time and space and story  (Black Quotes) Even when we’re blindfolded, even when you’re wearing sunglasses, even in the pitch black of night, we can always tell if you just ogled another woman  (Black Quotes) Black revolutionaries do not drop from the moon. We are created by our conditions. Shaped by our oppression  (Black Quotes) We all require and want respect, man or woman, black or white. It’s our basic human right  (Black Quotes) Black and white can show how something is. Color adds how it is, imbued with temperatures and humidities of experience  (Black Quotes) Be black or white with no shades of gray. In other words, don’t be a nagging mother  (Black Quotes) To be black and beautiful means nothing in this world unless we are black and powerful  (Black Quotes) Words can bruise and break hearts, and minds as well. There are no black and blue marks, no broken bones to put in plaster casts, and therefore no prison bars for the offender  (Black Quotes) Being the person I am, you know, the size I am, being a woman, being a black woman, there’s not a lot of roles for us  (Black Quotes) I awaken. I consume oxygen, then bacon, eggs and black coffee, then my wife, then bacon  (Black Quotes) I always design my own hats to complete my fashion thought... I like them slightly mad, like this huge black poppy. Right now I lift the bosom high on coats and dresses... I am using so many high curved belts  (Black Quotes)
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