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Black Quotes

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You mix the affluence of the white and the poverty of the black and you do not get a civilized society. Integration on an equal level is one thing. Mixing on an unequal level is another  (Black Quotes) That I am a national figure because I was the first person in 192 years to be at once a congressman, black, and a woman proves, I would think, that our society is not yet either just or free  (Black Quotes) As a black person I am no stranger to prejudice. But the truth is that in the political world I have been far more often discriminated against because I am a woman than because I am black  (Black Quotes) Nowadays most people wear black most of the time anyway: go to a literary party and one would imagine everyone there was in perpetual mourning for their lives  (Black Quotes) The large black slugs... come out at dusk. Enormous slugs. As big as crocodiles. So huge we need a gun to shoot them. And by the end of the summer, if they go on growing, we shall have to go out in pairs together for protection  (Black Quotes) We need to think about encryption not as this sort of arcane, black art. It’s a basic protection  (Black Quotes) Most of the time I dress depending on my mood. I just throw on whatever I feel like wearing at the time, which tends to come from the palette of black, grey or red  (Black Quotes) ... if a man really and truly believed that black was white, you might advise him to see an oculist, but you mustn’t call him a liar  (Black Quotes) One drop of hatred in your soul will spread and discolor everything like a drop of black ink in white milk  (Black Quotes) Either black people end up being the best in sports, or else it’s show business. You know, we all got rhythm  (Black Quotes) Why is it that if you happen to be black and over six feet tall, everybody thinks you supposed to play basketball or football?  (Black Quotes) I have always secretly felt that what mankind should be in an ideal sense is that mixture of people and races. I really believe in it. I don’t think there is anything sacred in the integrity of race, white or black  (Black Quotes) I like a bit of color myself, I must say. At my time of life, if you wear nothing but black, people might think you were too mean to change frocks between funerals  (Black Quotes) Whatever good I have accomplished as an actress I believe came in direct proportion to my efforts to portray black women who have made positive contributions to my heritage  (Black Quotes) Where I have seen good I shall speak of it with pleasure, and where I have seen the reverse, I shall try to be silent; for a book is meant to give pleasure, and pain that is inflicted in black and white lasts for ever  (Black Quotes) Avarice, with all its black attendants, is confessedly a crime of old age, and seldom arrives at maturity till accompanied with gray hairs  (Black Quotes) The blues records of each decade explain something about the philosophical basis of our lives as black people.... Blues is a basis of historical continuity for black people. It is a ritualized way of talking about ourselves and passing it on  (Black Quotes) Black folk, a lot of us lived as victims in a certain part of our history. And we had to really erase that tape. We’re not victims. We are citizens  (Black Quotes) Life is just like a book. Only after you’ve read it do you know how it ends. It is when we are at the end of life that we know how our life ran. Mine, until now, has been black. As black as my skin. Black as the garbage dump where I live  (Black Quotes) Not just as a black woman, but as a woman, since the beginning of time, beauty has been our responsibility  (Black Quotes) I usually just wear black so my shoes and my socks are my rays of sunshine  (Black Quotes) Throughout history there have been black people who have played mammies, all sorts of offensive images, who didn’t mind doing it  (Black Quotes) There’s something great about terrible westerns. They look like gay dancers and bad, overwrought dialogue and overacting, black and white sped up horses  (Black Quotes) Making a movie is like a chess game. It’s about constantly changing patterns, adapting to new things. It’s not just black and white, as you know  (Black Quotes) If you’re black, you can’t just be ordinary. All successful black people are extraordinary. If you are tremendously successful, and you’re black, you are extraordinary, or you wouldn’t stand out in this world  (Black Quotes) One ought to be against racism and sexism because they are wrong, not because one is black or one is female  (Black Quotes) February is the uncertain month, neither black nor white but all shades between by turns. Nothing is sure  (Black Quotes) I was a black center in the middle of all the nature. I was nothing, but I could do anything  (Black Quotes) Let me say this: I only expect the black media to uphold the standards of excellence in journalism and when you do that, you have to go in with a neutral mind  (Black Quotes) I do a chimichurri sauce with garlic, parsley, olive oil, and red and black pepper. You just mince the garlic and the parsley and mix it all together. Brush a little of that on a steak and it kicks it up, like, 10 notches  (Black Quotes)
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