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Black Quotes

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Racism is a moral catastrophe, most graphically seen in the prison industrial complex and targeted police surveillance in black and brown ghettos rendered invisible in public discourse  (Black Quotes) I realize that I’m black, but I like to be viewed as a person, and that’s everybody’s wish. I try to be a role model for black kids, white kids, yellow kids, green kids. This is what I felt was good about my personality  (Black Quotes) I’m a black man that is proud to be black, and I want to help the black community, but I love all mankind  (Black Quotes) I’m a facist about spoilers. I’m the biggest pain in the ass to the marketing and promotions department. If I had my way, the commercials would be 30 seconds of black with a few words on them  (Black Quotes) I never thought I was playing black music. I was just playing music, the stuff I liked. I sang blues at parties and things when I was a kid  (Black Quotes) Black people can be the most conservative, the most discriminating. Especially among ourselves. It wasn’t white people who said all black men have to wear baggy jeans  (Black Quotes) Personality is the glitter that sends your little gleam across the footlights and the orchestra pit into that big black space where the audience is  (Black Quotes) Goethe’s devil is a cultivated personage and acquainted with the modern sciences; sneers at witchcraft and the black art even while employing them, and doubts most things, nay, half disbelieves even his own existence  (Black Quotes) Golf is one of the few sports where a white man can dress like a black pimp and not look bad  (Black Quotes) ... women feel the humiliation of their petty distinctions of sex precisely as the black man feels those of color. It is no palliation of our wrongs to say that we are not socially ostracized, so long as we are politically ostracized as he is not  (Black Quotes) I don’t like the idea of the black race being diluted out of existence. I like the idea of all of us being here  (Black Quotes) By dying I wanted to maintain my honor, and hide a flame so black from the daylight!  (Black Quotes) I’m tired of the naked, raped, beaten black woman body. I want to see an image of black femaleness that alters our universe in some way  (Black Quotes) Sexism has always been a political stance mediating social domination, enabling white men and black men to share a common sensibility about sex roles and the importance of male domination  (Black Quotes) You know, I’ve never believed, in anything, that you had to have role models who looked like you to do something. If I’d been waiting for a black, female, soviet specialist role model, I’d be still waiting  (Black Quotes) Humorists are always pessimists. They’re reactionaries: because they see that every golden cloud has a black lining  (Black Quotes) In families children tend to take on stock roles, as if there were hats hung up in some secret place, visible only to the children. Each succeeding child selects a hat and takes on that role: the good child, the black sheep, the clown, and so forth  (Black Quotes) I’m proud to be a woman. I’m proud to be a black woman, and I’m proud to be gay  (Black Quotes) A character is never entirely white or black, there’s never entirely right or wrong. You have to realize sometimes you face something, and then you change your mind, or then you realize you were wrong  (Black Quotes) I hate to get on the racial thing because that’s something I’ve always been totally against. But the problem with the media is that they think that the word rock means white and the word rap means black  (Black Quotes) There’s always the question of what is good and evil and the gray area in between where that most people live. In everyday life, things aren’t black or white, but rather there’s a lot of coping and really tough decision making  (Black Quotes) Having grown up in a segregated environment in the south I know what it’s like to be stepped on, I know what it’s like also to see some black hero do well in the face of adversity  (Black Quotes) Don’t send me your script if you want me to play the black best friend. I just won’t do that  (Black Quotes) A good man does not spy around for the black spots in others, but presses unswervingly on towards his mark  (Black Quotes) A small lie, if it actually is a lie, condemns a man as much as a big and black falsehood. If a man will deliberately cheat to the amount of a single cent, give him opportunity and he would cheat to any amount  (Black Quotes) I spent many years working for voting rights, but we still see sophisticated efforts, led by white officials, to disenfranchise black voters in local and national elections  (Black Quotes) The lore of our fathers is a fabric of sentences. A pale gray lore, black with fact and white with convention  (Black Quotes) Being a black artist, the first thing people want to talk about is your blackness, the importance of your blackness, and your black presence  (Black Quotes) Reduce the supply of black labor by colonizing the black laborer out of the country, and by precisely so much you increase the demand for and wages of white labor  (Black Quotes) How shall a man escape from his ancestors, or draw off from his veins the black drop which he drew from his father’s or mother’s life?  (Black Quotes)
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