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Black Quotes

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When I drive through a field, I want to see green grass sometimes, and I don’t want to see black and white  (Black Quotes) Everybody in the black community must organize, and then we decide whether we will have alliance with other people or not, but not until we are organized  (Black Quotes) So black people all across this country are uniting. They must unite, and they must organize themselves  (Black Quotes) But we didn’t have the financial structure, like the right attorneys, the right managers, the right accountants, and we were going against the grain of what black entertainers is supposed to do  (Black Quotes) Prisons are like the concentration camps of our time. So many go in and never come out, and primarily they’re black and Latino  (Black Quotes) When black women are down with you and in your corner, you have an ally that will move Heaven and Earth  (Black Quotes) I never refused my help to any person black or white; and I liked the office nonetheless because there were neither fees nor salary connected with it  (Black Quotes) Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own  (Black Quotes) When you see a tumour in the brain, it’s an ugly looking thing. It’s kind of black, grisly and messy. Or it can be white. To see it taken away is just amazing  (Black Quotes) I was a total floral hippie as a child so when I finally could make my own choices, I’ve been living in different black suit jackets and been really drawn to masculine clothes  (Black Quotes) My mother was a stout woman with a man’s name - Billie. She was plain-faced with honest eyes - no black grease by the lash line, no blue powder on the lids, eyebrows not plucked up high and thin  (Black Quotes) The injustices endured by black Americans at the hands of their own government have no parallel in our history, not only during the period of slavery but also in the Jim Crow era that followed  (Black Quotes) But suppose God is black? What if we go to Heaven and we, all our lives, have treated the Negro as an inferior, and God is there, and we look up and He is not white? What then is our response?  (Black Quotes) In my whole life, I’ve worn black tie three times. I can’t tie the knot myself  (Black Quotes) I feel a responsibility to continue creating complex roles for black women, especially young black women  (Black Quotes) I feel the feminist movement has excluded black women. You cannot talk about being black and a woman within traditional feminist dialogue  (Black Quotes) I started writing because I got so frustrated that there weren’t enough plays that had roles for young black women in them  (Black Quotes) We grew up in a very strange world, because my mother was up against it all when she had three black children  (Black Quotes) If you’re black, if you’re gay, if you’re Latin - we’re all the same. We’re all the same, and we all want the same: We want to be happy  (Black Quotes) It’s not a common thing for a Southern white family to go out and seek their black cousins  (Black Quotes) I’m black. I’m Latina. My mom is Cuban. Afro-Cuban. My dad is white and Australian  (Black Quotes) I’m from a family of bankers and businessmen, and here I am, the artist, the black sheep  (Black Quotes) My parents used to rent old movies - my whole childhood is in black and white - and it was my dream to make films  (Black Quotes) ‘Awkward Black Girl’ is spreading to all the right people because of word of mouth and social networks. I’m so grateful  (Black Quotes) There’s so many, ‘no, black people aren’t like that’ barriers in mainstream media  (Black Quotes) The falsetto stuff, it must be a reaction to the black gospel singers that I really enjoy listening to  (Black Quotes) For the most part, I’ve been influenced by black singers and singers I couldn’t sound like. Whenever I tried to do a dark note or a bent note, I would just sound like Hootie And The Blowfish  (Black Quotes) I wanted to write about the experiences of the poor and the black and the rural people of the South  (Black Quotes) My training in martial arts was kind of a crash course in how to look like a black belt. I know the moves of a black belt - my kicks, and my stretches, and my punches and all that  (Black Quotes) I love black diamonds. They say your watch or jewelry wasn’t cheap, but they aren’t too flashy and in your face  (Black Quotes)
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