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Black Quotes

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In Hollywood through the 50s, there were black, English, and Middle European housekeepers and maids  (Black Quotes) Testimony is an integral part of the Black religious tradition. It is the occasion where the believer stands before the community of faith in order to give account of the hope that is in him or her  (Black Quotes) Either you are a victim or you victimize someone and in the hood it’s no holds barred. The kid in the schoolyard that doesn’t want to fight always leaves with a black eye  (Black Quotes) Bill Clinton is a liar, a perverted kind of a guy anyway, and he is always stroking black folks rather than telling them the truth  (Black Quotes) I would suggest is that in the latter 1990s it is extremely important to look at the predicament of black people within the context of the globalization of capital  (Black Quotes) With eyes tightly shut, her prospects dimmed to black. There, but unseen by her, until there no more  (Black Quotes) We have a black President in the United States. I think the world has matured. It’s no longer about colour, but the person in the skin  (Black Quotes) The colors black and white are my uniform, to honor the working class. People like my parents, who were janitors and had to wear a uniform every day. It keeps me grounded  (Black Quotes) Black actors on the road, flying around the country working as poets. Those people are inspirations for millions of kids who write  (Black Quotes) Do not be naive. AIDS is not a curse from God to Africans or the black people. It is a tool to control them designed by some evil-minded scientists, but we may not know who particularly did it  (Black Quotes) If you’re a white kid growing up and you see a Black player and he’s got the name of your college or your town across his chest, that means something  (Black Quotes) To me, entertainment is really the new plantation. It’s the new sugar, the new cotton, that black people work for somebody else to be richer than them  (Black Quotes) The Black church is extremely important in Black America. I think most Americans themselves believe in a divine power, in a God, and I’m sure that that number increases with Black people  (Black Quotes) I think that Hollywood is content with condescending to Black people, patronizing them, feeling sorry for us, and I think we’re happy to take the pat on the head as a people and take whatever awards  (Black Quotes) Somebody will be upset and say I got rich and deserted my female people; No offense, but the only black woman I ever loved is my mama  (Black Quotes) ... we ought even to hold as a fixed principle that what I see white I believe to be black, if the superior authorities define it to be so  (Black Quotes) I was listening to a lot of Norwegian black metal and death metal. There’s a great history to Norwegian black metal. That music is very dark and violent, but it’s also beautiful  (Black Quotes) I really see food as subjective. It’s a creative outlet. It’s something that you do for fun. It’s a gray area. It’s not black and white or right and wrong  (Black Quotes) Someone once bought me loads of clothes from a charity shop - and sent them to me in a black bin liner. That was weird. I went through it and it was full of bizarre outfits like Abba costumes  (Black Quotes) I want to keep changing the world. It’s possible. The black gay lead is ready. It’s time  (Black Quotes) Addressing the moral failings of black people while ignoring the centuries-old failings of their governments amounts to a bait and switch  (Black Quotes) There aren’t a lot of roles in period movies for black people. It sucks because I love that era. But, I love musicals. I love the show Glee, and I wouldn’t mind being on that either  (Black Quotes) I must say the more interesting songs to me were the black ones because they were more simple  (Black Quotes) If you want to say that the sky is black, and if I’m there, even if I fall back down again, I will be weightless for a period of time - maybe that’s the definition of space  (Black Quotes) Britains still commemorate the Battle of Cable Street in London. There are still pop songs in Britain that reference Sir Oswald Mosley and his black shirts  (Black Quotes) You might be a redneck if your favorite Christmas present was a painting on black velvet  (Black Quotes) World War Z is out today. The big zombie movie. The trailer looks scary. You see hordes of bodies climbing and rolling over each other. It’s like Black Friday at the mall  (Black Quotes) I think Black Eyed Peas are kind of unique in the ways they produce their songs. Their songs are very current  (Black Quotes) Black people drink lots of beer. However, you won’t see us skiing down a mountain for one, or see us diving for Frisbees on concrete for one  (Black Quotes) If I were a bad black comic I would name my special, Yo mama, and other stories of a lack of self awareness  (Black Quotes)
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