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Black Quotes

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Big black guys fear air travel almost as much as old white women fear big black guys  (Black Quotes) Cities with a black middle class provide the narrow minded an opportunity to realize that cultural differences are largely economic  (Black Quotes) A 1990 study by the (liberal) Progressive Policy Institute showed that, after controlling for single motherhood, the difference in black and white crime rates disappeared  (Black Quotes) I think Black intellectuals see too deeply. That’s the problem. It’s a cause of anxiety, because we see things differently  (Black Quotes) My generation of writers has been prone to premature illness and death, especially the women. When Black male writers meet it’s like a session of the American Diabetic Association  (Black Quotes) I’m sorry that I did not become the world’s first black classic pianist. I think I would have been happier  (Black Quotes) I think hip-hop has definitely brought the black experience to white kids more than the civil rights movement did and more than any teacher’s well-intentioned lecture on Martin Luther King did  (Black Quotes) I was relatively isolated from people of color. My parents are too old to be Baby Boomers; they had me later in life. So we didn’t listen to any black music at all in the house, not even Ben E. King  (Black Quotes) The gestures and the swagger and the attitude of black men is imitated everywhere in American culture, but people still find black men intolerable  (Black Quotes) There’s been a lot of talk about black men and the presence and absence of black men in positions of power in American culture  (Black Quotes) Failure assumes the world is black and white - no gray. I’ve come to find, it’s all gray  (Black Quotes) I want to be able to tell black people something they don’t know, something about our own lives  (Black Quotes) I’m a black writer from Mississippi. That’s what I most consider myself  (Black Quotes) I’m accountable - this sounds emo - to black American writing, Southern writing, Southern black American writing, American writing and my people. That’s kind of what keeps me accountable  (Black Quotes) I believe that Christianity trains black people, especially black women, to think like slaves, and I believe that Islam is mainly fueled by its hatred for women  (Black Quotes) I’m not at all against white people adopting black children, because we’re all human beings who need to give love and be nurtured in safety, but I do think it’s better to be adopted by blacks  (Black Quotes) Race means family and all black people whether they like it or not, are family  (Black Quotes) I warn black Americans’don’t get too mixed. A little is fine, but not to the point where you’re out of the family  (Black Quotes) And just as you can find hip-hop lyrics beating up on all these groups, including young Black men themselves, the primary producers of the music, you can also find lyrics celebrating them  (Black Quotes) Playing rock ‘n’ roll music, it’s going to be integrated, but being black you didn’t want to go into some neighborhood where you weren’t wanted  (Black Quotes) I probably also wanted to be black at that particular time [ 9 years old] as well  (Black Quotes) I was pretty much a minimalist. I liked a lot of black at the time, which is very different from my wardrobe now, because I live in color  (Black Quotes) I’d like to be the Princess. But I want a nice black crown, not a pink crown because I hate pink. I wanna be the naughty Princess from Roc Nation  (Black Quotes) I’m just honest. They [asians] don’t want to see black people generally in their movies  (Black Quotes) The people who can be helping to make movies that have blacks and Latinos and women and all that - that movie doesn’t come to you. Because the idea is that there’s no place for black movies  (Black Quotes) You have to take your hat off to the homosexual and gay community cause right now they’re as strong as black people USE to be when it comes to their rights  (Black Quotes) There are loads of black actors.You can’t say: I’m going to vote for him, he’s not very good but he’s black, [so] I’ll vote for him. You’ve got to give a good performance  (Black Quotes) We can never know... But maybe it’s because no black actors merited being nominated.Why put people into categories?  (Black Quotes) I used to want to be the black dude in The Last Dragon. I wanted to be Ralph Tresvant from New Edition - I thought he was super cool  (Black Quotes) My father saw two black men lynched on his street in Cartersville, as a child. And I think seeing two black businessmen - not vagrants - hanging from trees as a child was traumatic for him  (Black Quotes)
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