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Black Quotes

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The black line is carbon emissions to date. The red line is the status quo - a projection of where emissions will go if no new substantial policy is passed to restrain greenhouse gas emissions  (Black Quotes) Just wearing all black comes from Johnny Cash. I’m on the road so much that if I wear all black my clothes never get dirty. You can’t tell if I’ve worn the same shirt twice  (Black Quotes) Love is scary because it pulls you in with an intense force, a supermassive black hole which looks like nothing from the outside but from the inside challenges every reasonable thing you know. You lose yourself, like I lost myself, in the warmest of annihilations  (Black Quotes) Angry Black White Boy is bananas! Actually, it’s a banana split with razor blades in it. Adam Mansbach is the white Richard Wright, and Angry Black White Boy is our generation’s Native Son  (Black Quotes) I was born black, I attended all Negro schools including college, I grew up in the segregated South during Jim Crow. If anybody knows a racist, I do. Pat Buchanan ain’t no racist  (Black Quotes) Life is horrible, but it is not relentlessly black from wire to wire. You can sit down and hear a Mozart symphony, or you can watch the Marx Brothers, and this will give you a pleasant escape for a while. And that is about the best that you can do  (Black Quotes) I’ve played lots of villains in my time and I think the reason they’ve been so successful is that they’re not two-dimensional. They’re not black and white. That’s the gig  (Black Quotes) I enjoy that the most powerful person in Hollywood is indeed a Black woman in Oprah Winfrey. I’m hoping to just transcend beyond that  (Black Quotes) Black people have been qualified to be president for hundreds of years. George Washington Carver could have been president. I could go on with a list of black men that were qualified to be the president of the United States. So the Obama victory is progress for white people  (Black Quotes) [Paris] is dirty. It has pigeons and black yards. The people have white skin  (Black Quotes) Writing is like this -- you dredge for the poem’s meaning the way police dredge for a body. They think it is down there under the black water, they work the grappling hooks back and forth  (Black Quotes) These days, the House Republicans actually give John Boehner a harder time than they give me. Which means orange really is the new black  (Black Quotes) It has always been an irony to me that the ‘religious right’ has come under so much attack for being involved in politics when the black community has been doing it for hundreds of years. The Reverend Jesse Jackson is rarely, if ever, attacked for his involvement in politics  (Black Quotes) ... black women have always found that in the social order of things we’re the least likely to be believed--by anyone  (Black Quotes) Judged by the stark, sure-footed portrait in Hard Time, Brian Azzarello and Richard Corben clearly have John Constantine down, cold and to the life. Azzarellos grasp of pacing, character and situation resonates through every scene with a black crystal clarity thats short of masterful, while Corben contributes what is, perhaps, one of the most darkly expressive pieces in a long, already-legendary career  (Black Quotes) I don’t do drugs. Because my grandmother raised me. I think like an old, black, Southern woman. If I’d have done coke, I’d probably be cooking pancakes  (Black Quotes) I’m proud to be white. I don’t have anything against my color. But I don’t think color matters, either. Just like I feel it doesn’t matter that I’m a white dude doin’ black music  (Black Quotes) I grew up in predominantly black neighborhoods and went to predominantly black schools. And hip-hop is what I grew up listening to in my teenage years. Basically I’m just being myself  (Black Quotes) Womanists is what black feminists used to call themselves. Very much so. They were not the same thing. And also the relationship with men. Historically, black women have always sheltered their men because they were out there, and they were the ones that were most likely to be killed  (Black Quotes) Jesse Jackson also said he thought Barack Obama was talking down to black people by lecturing them on things like fatherhood and being a responsible husband. Jesse thought it was insulting, not only to him, but to his former mistress and their love child  (Black Quotes) My family is part Creole, and were Indian, and were also very, very black. My father was so black, he was blue  (Black Quotes) My favorite colors come from the shades of local earth. Dig in the ground and you’ll find so many layers of color-amazing yellows, sand, browns, black, beige  (Black Quotes) Honey, you [Michael Jackson] gotta pick a race first. All of a sudden you’re a black man, then you’re Diana Ross, now you’re Audrey Hepburn. Then he’s got the little beard going on. He’s like Lord of the Rings, the entire cast. Michael’s about to jump species  (Black Quotes) I loved pop music as a little kid. Things like the Black Eyed Peas. If it had a catchy chorus, I was into it  (Black Quotes) Belfastas uncivilised as ever--savage black mothers in houses of dark red brick, friendly manufacturers too drunk to entertain you when you arrive. It amuses me till I get tired  (Black Quotes) Historian Larry Hise notes in his book Pro-Slavery that ministers ‘wrote almost half of all defenses of slavery published in America.’ He listed 275 men of the cloth who used the Bible to prove that white people were entitled to own black people as work animals  (Black Quotes) ... not all black women have silently acquiesced in sexism and misogyny within the African-American community. Indeed, many writers, activists, and other women have voiced their opposition and paid the price: they have been ostracized and branded as either man- haters or pawns of white feminists, two of the more predictable modes of disciplining and discrediting black feminists  (Black Quotes) We live in a highly industrialized society and every member of the Black nation must be as academically and technologically developed as possible. To wage a revolution, we need competent teachers, doctors, nurses, electronics experts, chemists, biologists, physicists, political scientists, and so on and so forth. Black women sitting at home reading bedtime stories to their children are just not going to make it  (Black Quotes) There’s all kinds of depictions of black men. You have the Denzel Washingtons and the Will Smiths; that’s wonderful, but that doesn’t represent everyone. There’s a Russell Crowe... well, you know, there’s a black Russell Crowe  (Black Quotes) I feel like I missed my era, because I remember the time when black people uplifted each other and looked for the positives. I feel sorry for the people who live their lives in the negative default setting because they filter out what’s good, and that’s no way to live  (Black Quotes)
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