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Black Quotes

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The local-tone is the intrinsic value of a thing - excluding any effects of light. The local-tone of a common pearl is very nearly white; that of a lump of coal, nearly black  (Black Quotes) Bet on black. Buy low-debt or no-debt companies. When the economy is in trouble, these companies usually have enough cash on hand to stay out of trouble. And they seldom need to borrow when interest rates are high  (Black Quotes) A body would think that your heart was as black as your face. People thinks now that sweeps is black all through instead of blackall over  (Black Quotes) I am thankful for the strong, united response of our university community to the desecration of the James Meredith statue last year, confirming our university values of civility and respect. what it is saying is that the only possible justice for a black in the state of Mississippi is the federal government and if there’s anything that we don’t need it’s that being our only means of expecting justice  (Black Quotes) I always believed I was an ugly duckling in a family of swans, you know? I was such a black sheep, and it was the same way in high school... I was just kind of that awkward theater kid with a bunch of athletes... it was very Glee  (Black Quotes) I cannot imagine where we would have been without BET. Many like me who operate in black America can only get our balanced story told nationally on BET talk shows  (Black Quotes) Black women, white women- all of them. I’m colorblind. I don’t know the difference. I only know you’re a human being and you’re my children  (Black Quotes) The female struggle implies the black struggle, it implies the struggle with anti-Semitism, it implies all of the other struggles. That is the only possible way to think about human liberation  (Black Quotes) America certainly has made extraordinary progress. The collective unconscious of the nation has certainly shifted as a result of the civil rights movement and the developments in the 70s and 80s. We have witnessed a great expansion of the black middle class  (Black Quotes) We live in a consumer culture, and Black Friday is like the July 4th of that culture. It might be good not to live in this culture, but it terms of what we can do to make people safer at big sales, it seems more useful to try to avoid dangerous crowd conditions  (Black Quotes) I’m still learning who I am. One minute I have black hair, the next it’s red. One day I’m wearing Converse sneakers, and the next I’m in the hippie look  (Black Quotes) Sometimes during my set I invite volunteers up on stage to get speed-roasted and I’m worried that I may have hundreds of people rushing the stage all at once. Luckily I’m a black belt in karate and I can fend them off  (Black Quotes) I was not allowed to be an individual. I was black and I was a woman - and I was a black woman  (Black Quotes) Black people have this thing about calling themselves apes and monkeys I know they get real (whatever) and I don’t blame em’. But I feel like I’m a brute. I am, but I’m smart though. I’m not a dummy  (Black Quotes) I keep telling everyone that I want to start a revolution but no one is taking me seriously. If I had black skin and an afro, would you take me seriously? If I was an Arab waving a hand grenade, would you take me seriously?  (Black Quotes) Such techniques, including meta-discursive stuff, self-reference, irony, black humor, cynicism, grotesquerie and shock, it would be safe to say that television or televisual values rule the culture. Television is successfully using a lot of those same techniques but using them for a very different agenda, which is to sort of create an ethos and please people and to sell products to consumers  (Black Quotes) Vaudeville was characterized by sunny optimism, acts that were uplifting, cheerful, and clean. It provided a fanciful, magical escape, but after Black Friday, the tone of American entertainment changed almost overnight  (Black Quotes) Seventy percent of the fish we eat is black market, fished in violation of international laws. Our ignorance makes us unwilling partners in crime. Rogue economics is turning the global market into our worst nightmare  (Black Quotes) I won an MVP trophy with the St. Louis Amateur Baseball Association. I didn’t even start. I was a sub on this team. This was, like, an All-Star game where we had athletes from different teams, different mixtures. We had, like, the only black team in the league, basically. We had four players go to the All-Star game  (Black Quotes) The music I heard growing up, since there was no TV or cinema or record covers, I didn’t know if it was black, white, hip, square, male, female... whatever. I’d hear melodies and things and got intrigued on that level  (Black Quotes) Sadly, black people disassociate ourselves from the things which make us who we are, identifying them as lesser, or inferior. It’s a form of self hate. So, with reckless abandon, we strive to be like the majority  (Black Quotes) I never really had to put much thought into my race, and neither did anybody else. I knew I was black. I knew there was a history that accompanied my skin color, and my parents taught me to be proud of it. End of story  (Black Quotes) The black characters on TV are the sidekicks, or they’re insignificant. You could put all the black sidekicks on one show, and it would be the most boring, one-dimensional show ever. Even look at the black women on ‘Community’ and ‘Parks and Recreation’ - they are the archetype of the large black women on television. Snide and sassy  (Black Quotes) I don’t think the mainstream media understands people of color are multidimensional. For some reason, there’s an idea that only white people are relatable. I don’t think it’s necessarily racist. But it’s odd, because the people who watch the most television are black women, so we should be represented in more ways  (Black Quotes) It was jarring to be berated for ‘acting white’ when I was placed in a predominantly black middle school in Southern California. I was also chubby, into boys who weren’t into me, and tried too hard to fit into this ‘blackness’ I was supposed to be  (Black Quotes) Mainstream media has convinced people that black people aren’t relatable. So when a Jewish person comes up to me and is all, ‘Oh man, I love that one scene from Episode 3, I watch it over and over again,’ I’m so happy. Because that’s what I want  (Black Quotes) God is on my side, and that’s all I need. I get up in the morning, I pray to God. I don’t pray to the president, the governor, the mayor, no black caucus, no this and that. I pray to God, and that’s the end of it  (Black Quotes) When I went to live in South Africa, I immediately began to understand what went wrong. Because here was a place supposed to be under apartheid - I arrived there in 1991 - but here a black person had more say and had more influence over his white government than an average Kenyan had over the Moi government  (Black Quotes) Back in the 1970s, Kodak tried to give $25m to a black civil rights organisation in Rochester, New York. The company’s shareholders rose up in arms: making this politically charged offering wasn’t the reason they had entrusted Kodak with their money. The donation was withdrawn  (Black Quotes) I was born in Brazil and grew up in the 70s under a climate of political distress, and I was forced to learn to communicate in a very specific way - in a sort of a semiotic black market. You couldn’t really say what you wanted to say; you had to invent ways of doing it. You didn’t trust information very much  (Black Quotes)
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