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Black Quotes

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During the 2008 presidential campaign, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid marveled at the electability of Barack Obama because, unlike previous black candidates, Mr. Obama was ‘light-skinned’ and lacked a ‘Negro dialect.’  (Black Quotes) The vast majority of murdered whites are murdered by other whites. That’s why there’s no national outrage when a white person is killed by a black person: it’s not evidence of some underlying black violence problem directed against white people  (Black Quotes) In the South we experienced, you know, some black kids who gave us a hard time because - cause ‘you talk white.’ We didn’t talk white. We talked fairly proper. Plus, we had a Midwestern accent, so we didn’t have a Southern accent, either. So it wasn’t really talking white; it was talking different  (Black Quotes) My father was short for a man, with a child’s plaything for a name - Spinner. He had flawless dark brown skin and a head full of big, wet-looking curls, black as oil. And he had the smile of a scoundrel - the kind of smile that disarmed men and undressed women  (Black Quotes) Look at Michelle Obama. Everyone keeps making a big deal about her arms being exposed, but don’t get it twisted: her arms are out for a reason. Black women have had those arms forever - lifting, picking cotton, toting and carrying babies  (Black Quotes) My mother and father taught me about black excellence and dynasty. They experienced racism personally, and when something like that happens to you and not around you, you develop a different perception than someone who has never experienced racism a day in their lives  (Black Quotes) Black Americans should be given credit for finding probably the perfect weapon; the weapon of the song. And that song continues. Most holocausts don’t, so they have this bitterness left over. The phenomenon of the world, as far as Black Americans are considered, is that we are not a bitter people  (Black Quotes) You have to use what you have in order to get what you need and the people can not be rich unless somebody is rich. The Hip-Hop generation has carried more people with it than any other enterprise Black Americans have had  (Black Quotes) I’m thinking about some developments say in the 80s when the anti-apartheid movement began to claim more support and strength within the US. Black trade unionists played a really important role in developing this US anti-apartheid movement  (Black Quotes) Our leaders were assassinated, one of the things I was reading today was - 28 Panthers were killed by the police but 300 Black Panthers were killed by other Panthers just within - internecine warfare. It just began to seem like we were in an impossible task given what we were facing  (Black Quotes) It [Cambridge] wasn’t a holy grail in the sense that I’d never been to Cambridge. But then, when I did go, the contrast between Leeds, which was very black and sooty in those days, and Cambridge, which seemed like something out of a fairystory, in the grip of a hard frost, was just wonderful  (Black Quotes) I’m a woman of color. I’ve lived in black neighborhoods all of my life, and most of the time I get hit on in my neighborhood - and mostly by black men. And so I wanted to have my specific experience and my perspective on street harassment out there  (Black Quotes) Black is not a notion. Africa is not a color. Africa is a culture. So you can be pitch black and I am my color but I’m more African than you can ever be because culturally there are certain things that you just don’t understand  (Black Quotes) I do think it’s important for black writers to show that we too can make it into the mainstream. Growing up, I didn’t just watch The Cosby Show, I watched Growing Pains and Family Ties too. We can tell those stories too  (Black Quotes) The true story is that black people need to tell their history. Very few films are made by black people about slavery. That itself is a crime because slavery is a very important historical event that has held our people hostage. Forget white people’s role in it. In the end what’s important is black people remain and live with the scars and psychological issues  (Black Quotes) I remember I had this recurring dream that we were playing a night game and instead of eye black we had mashed up the glowing bodies of fireflies and put that under our eyes. So our faces were glowing - a kind of night vision  (Black Quotes) You have to have quarterbacks who can keep up with everybody else. And I’m not saying that just black quarterbacks can do that, but more black quarterbacks are given a chance because they fit the mold  (Black Quotes) Whether we want to own up to it or not, the welfare state has done what Jim Crow, gross discrimination and poverty could not have done. It has contributed to the breakdown of the black family structure and has helped establish a set of values alien to traditional values of high moral standards, hard work and achievement  (Black Quotes) The welfare state has done to Black Americans what slavery (and Jim Crow and racism) could not have done. . .break up the black family. Today, just slightly over 30 percent of black kids live in two-parent families. Historically, from the 1870s on. . . 75-90 percent of black kids lived in two-parent families  (Black Quotes) I never really was good at being a family general man, really. I hardly ever spent any time with my mum and dad whatever, really, or brothers or sisters. We just really didn’t get along. I was pretty much like the black sheep of the family, to be honest  (Black Quotes) When your characters are not white hats or black hats but something in between, you do have to be very careful about your details. So, that takes a while. I’m not interested in white hats and black hats. I don’t think that’s how people are in real life  (Black Quotes) Before many black singers were still labouring under that problem of God; it was often ‘God will save us’. But right through the blacks were singing directly and immediately about their pain and also about sex, which is why I like it  (Black Quotes) Being black and speaking properly are not mutually exclusive. My father was an African, and he spoke beautifully at home. Nelson Mandela speaks beautifully. Should Mandela put his hat on backwards and say, ‘Yo, homey, this is Nelson. Yo, Winnie, yo, this is def’?  (Black Quotes) I don’t like the fact that most black people or black comedians have to present themselves in a flamboyant way. It’s good if you can do that, but I don’t like to think that’s the way all black comedians are. I’m not that type  (Black Quotes) I have no desire to be hip to the latest black slang and do the stereotypical black thing. I was a Richard Pryor fan, and I have used profanity in my act. But when it becomes a whole thing that defines blacks, we’re limiting ourselves. The enemy is us  (Black Quotes) Latinos outnumber Black people now. I’m not too happy about it. Because it’s only a matter of time before we lose our month. Soon as they figure it out, they’re going to have Latino History Month. All we’re going to have is Cinco de Negro  (Black Quotes) We recriminalized black life. Incarceration rates since the 1908s have gone through the roof, overwhelmingly black males, women and Hispanics to some extent. Essentially re-doing what happened under Reconstruction. That’s the history of African Americans - so how can any one say there’s no problem. Sure, racism is serious, but it’s worse than that  (Black Quotes) Another California study counted 30,000 substance abusers who are pregnant are White woman. So, The Wire paints the picture of drug addiction, drug dealing, and drug abuse as being a specifically a Black issue  (Black Quotes) I think anyone that comes to Nigeria has to offer value. What value are you bringing? There are Black Americans here. I think we’ve moved beyond that Africans vs. African Americans. They may have more issues with us than we do with them  (Black Quotes) My mother was a woman. A black woman. A single mother. Raising two kids on her own. So she was dark skinned. Had short hair. Got no love from nobody except for a group called the Black Panthers. So that’s why she was a Black Panther  (Black Quotes)
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