Blade Quotes

Text Quotes
That’s life. We all go through the tractor blades now and then. We all get bruised, and we all get cut. Sometimes the blade cuts deep. The lucky ones come through with a few scratches, a little blood, but even that isn’t the most important thing. The most important thing is having someone there to scoop you up, to hold you tight, and to tell you everything is all right (Blade Quotes)
Laser technology has fulfilled our people’s ancient dream of a blade so fine that the person it cuts remains standing and alive until he moves and cleaves. Until we move, none of us can be sure that we have not already been cut in half, or in many pieces, by a blade of light. It is safest to assume that our throats have already been slit, that the slightest alteration in our postures will cause the painless severance of our heads (Blade Quotes)
Find something that is a happy, healthy alternative to hurting yourself, as opposed to taking a razor blade to yourself because at the end of the day, you’re only hurting the most important person in the world and that’s you. And you don’t want to hurt that person (Blade Quotes)
I have to admit that one of the saddest things I see in ministry is a woman who belittles her husband. Even if he has indeed failed in some way, his wife’s disparaging words compound the disaster exponentially. Her cynicism is utterly emasculating, and many times, incredibly subtle. Like a fine, thin blade, it slices deep, penetrating to the very core of his masculine soul (Blade Quotes)
The seed, swollen with moisture, burst asunder its covering of soil and out peers the blade of wheat, full of symbols. So faith, whose bosom is filled with goodly fruits, is a blade of praise (Blade Quotes)
Once I spent a whole day there, a blade of grass in each hand to anchor me to the warm earth. I watched the sun rise, pass over my head and set. Ladybirds mated on my knuckle; a shrew nibbled a hole in my stocking while I tried not to laugh. Such a day was worth any punishment (Blade Quotes)
Our past is the forge upon which we are hardened and tempered, to prepare us for the present. We are like a fine blade that must be hammered into shape before it can be ready to make its finest cuts (Blade Quotes)
Against barbarity, poetry can resist only by confirming its attachment to human fragility like a blade of grass growing on a wall while armies march by (Blade Quotes)
Killed by a man with a switch blade knife, for 43 dollars my friend lost his life (Blade Quotes)
I am humility, nothing more and nothing less. I am one blade of grass in a sea of grass. I am one wave in an endless ocean of waves. I am one glowing star in a galaxy of stars (Blade Quotes)
Having a relationship with people of questionable character is like playing with a razor blade on your skin, and pretending to observe that it is harmful to your body (Blade Quotes)
That which interests me above all else is the calligraphy of a tree or the tiles of a roof, and I mean leaf by leaf, branch by branch, blade by blade of grass (Blade Quotes)
When fate throws a dagger at you, there are ways to catch it. If you catch it by the blade, you can harm yourself. But if you catch it by the handle, you can use it to help you fight through the obstacles ahead (Blade Quotes)
Of two men looking at a green field, one estimates its yield in bushels and calculates the price of the bushels in silver and in gold. The other drinks the greenness of the field with his eye, and kisses every blade with his thought, and fraternizes in his soul with every rootlet and pebble, and every clod of earth (Blade Quotes)
How much power is there in a thousand noisy engines? I tell you, there is more power in a single blade of grass (Blade Quotes)
Hate is like a swordfish, working through water invisibly and then you see it coming with blood along its blade, but transparency disarms it (Blade Quotes)
A need to concentrate on each sound, so that every blade of grass would be as important as a flower (Blade Quotes)
I don’t mess with that cat. I’m pretty sure he carries a blade under his jersey (Blade Quotes)
It is true there is a scent in the desert, though there may be no flower or tree or blade of grass within miles. It is the essence of the untrodden, untarnished earth herself! (Blade Quotes)
We have a middle class that lives on a razor blade. So sometimes when you say poverty, you neglect a large portion of the population (Blade Quotes)
For me the game of love is much like hunting a man on foot with a knife. It’s not over until the blade is clean (Blade Quotes)
The moment one gives close attention to any thing, even a blade of grass it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself (Blade Quotes)
There is not one blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended to make us rejoice (Blade Quotes)
There are cases in which the blade springs, but the plant does not go on to flower. There are cases where it flowers, but no fruit is subsequently produced (Blade Quotes)
A blade of grass is always a blade of grass, whether in one country or another (Blade Quotes)
A tree trunk the size of a man grows from a blade as thin as a hair. A tower nine stories high is built from a small heap of earth (Blade Quotes)
He who brings ridicule to bear against truth finds in his hand a blade without a hilt (Blade Quotes)
Holding anger is a poison... It eats you from inside... We think that by hating someone we hurt them... But hatred is a curved blade... and the harm we do to others... we also do to ourselves (Blade Quotes)
Anger is stupid, and stupidity will kill you more surely than your opponent’s blade (Blade Quotes)
What we end up calling history is a kind of knife, slicing down through time. A few people are hard enough to bend its edge. But most won’t even stand close to the blade. I’m one of those. We don’t bend anything (Blade Quotes)