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Blank Quotes

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When I first began writing, and I told people what I wrote, I’d get a blank stare and sometimes a ‘Huh?’ They weren’t sure what young adult literature was. Now everyone knows.  (Blank Quotes) I didn’t have a special secret about Sarah Palin. I just had a feeling and some concerns. Her blank stares and her lashing out in some interviews, I think, gave voters pause about her, too.  (Blank Quotes) Its a flash drive. When his only answer was a blank stare, I continuedIt holds information from a computer. He took the drive from me giving it a hard shake. When nothing came out, he proceded to tap it against the edge of the windowsillHow do we get the information out? - Kale and Deznee - Touch  (Blank Quotes) ...the sun rose each morning to stare into my face with the blank but touching gaze of a lovely retarded child.  (Blank Quotes) We’re the ones who will fill in the blank places. Maybe we can make it different.  (Blank Quotes) I started carrying blank books like this one around, which I would fill with all the things I couldn’t say...  (Blank Quotes) I want to climb up the blank blue dome as a man would storm the inside of a circus tent, wildly, dangling, and with a steel knife claw a rent in the top, peep, and, if I must, fall.  (Blank Quotes) You’ve probably never thought about it before unless you happen to write for a living, but professional writers are doomed to spend most of their waking hours sitting by themselves at a desk, staring at a blank computer screen and waiting for lightning to strike.  (Blank Quotes) Finding the discipline, the motivation, the focus, the passion to sit down in front of a blank piece of paper or a blank computer screen every day and then to make it come alive with characters and with plot is incredibly exciting and at the same time terrifying and frustrating, and sometimes it comes easy and sometimes it comes really hard.  (Blank Quotes) When it comes to my racing career I’m very driven and very selfish. People who are around me at races will know that I’m a different person here than in my personal life. I completely blank people at races. I need to be focused. I’m rude.  (Blank Quotes) When I put my pen to a blank sheet, black isn’t added but rather the white sheet is deprived of light. [] Thus I also grasped that the empty spaces are the most important aspect of a typeface.  (Blank Quotes) The iambic pentameter owes its pre-eminence in English poetry to its genius for variation. Good blank verse does not sound like a series of identically measured lines. It sounds like a series of subtle variations on the same theme.  (Blank Quotes) Indeed, an engineer designing a structure is not unlike an artist painting one. Both start with nothing but talent, experience, and inspiration. The fresh piece of paper on the drawing board is as blank as the newly stretched piece of canvas.  (Blank Quotes) [...] falling in love with someone beautiful and intelligent and the rest of it, then feeling like a blank twit put you at something of a disadvantage.  (Blank Quotes) Migration gives a blank cheque to put anything you don’t feel like addressing in the memory hold. No neighbours can go against the monster narrative of your family.  (Blank Quotes) I have this fantasy. I’m walking past a bookshop and I click my fingers and all my books go blank. So I can start again and get it right.  (Blank Quotes) You know, when everybody starts to live from their heart, and go for what they want, they don’t go for the same things. That’s the beauty of this. We don’t all want BMWs. We don’t all want the same person. We don’t all want the same experiences. We don’t all want the same clothing. We don’t all want ..... fill in the blank  (Blank Quotes) There’s something special about writing by hand, writing with a fountain pen, and there’s something special about writing into a book, to take a blank book and turn it into an actual book.  (Blank Quotes) Not intending to be funny: I sit at the keyboard, put my fingers on the keys and go. To me, it’s the real secret of writing. Put yourself in front of the screen or the blank sheet of paper and get to work.  (Blank Quotes) I don’t think I was a good model. I think I was born to emote and act. I would walk down the ramp and smile and they used to say, ‘Give us a blank look.’ It was really difficult not to smile.  (Blank Quotes) The glamorous life is a facade, a frauda farce of frivolous triteThe storybook is blank insideChivalry has died  (Blank Quotes) I don’t know any other lifestyle. I get up in the morning and I really do feel that the world is my oyster, and I start that way, the same as I would if I were preparing to write a song: put a blank piece of paper up on the piano and you go for it.  (Blank Quotes) The fact that something is in a rhymed form or in blank verse will not make it good poetry  (Blank Quotes) What’s sometimes really overwhelming in Sweden is the uniformity. People kind of disappear by all looking the same and wearing the same clothes. There are a lot of great individuals, but it can become a very blank and bleak picture.  (Blank Quotes) Lookatmehe whispered. The green eyes found the black, but after a second, something in the depths of the dark pair seemed to vanish, leaving them fixed, blank, and empty. The hand holding Harry thudded to the floor, and Snape moved no more.  (Blank Quotes)
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